Business Spectrum January 2009
2 Associate : On behalf of: Office: Team: Management: Headquarter: Projectpartner: 306 members of the RKW Sachsen e.V. thereof 105 automotive The Supplier Network Saxony State Ministry for Economic Affairs and Labor RKW Sachsen GmbH Dresden, 46 Staff Technology Centre Chemnitz 7 Staff + External
3 3 OEM, 5 Plants, 500 Suppliers ++ Leipzig Chemnitz Dresden Highway Quelle: WfS
4 Data and Facts of Automotive industry in Saxony (Quellen: Statistisches Landesamt Sachsen, eigene Erhebungen AMZ) ( within automotive supplier industry, more than within research and development) Employees 12,9 Billion Euro (correspond to one fourths of Saxon Industrial production) Automotive suppliers obtained a great part of turnover of ca. 7 billion EURO. Therefore the Automotive industry and automotive supplier industry remain the economic motor of manufacturing industry in Saxony. Total Turnover 2007 Volkswagen (three locations: Zwickau, Chemnitz, Dresden), Porsche and BMW in Leipzig Automotive Manufacturers round 750 Suppliers, Service providers and equipment suppliers Supplying companies cars (VW: / BMW: / Porsche: (correspond to 10 % of German domestic production) ) Vehicle Production Euro turnover per employee Per-capita benefit
5 Vision of AMZ A central basis for the task of AMZ is Innovation. The Saxon Automotive Supplier industry understands itself as an independent problem solver of automotive industry.
6 Cooperations for better solutions Powertrain Body Safety Interieur Electronic Technologies Lightweight Saxon core competencesfields of innovation The innovation process is an interaction between the Saxon core competences and on the fields of innovation.
7 strong competences by enterprises and research institutes Powertrain 138 Companies 49 Institutes for R&D Body 90 Companies 10 Institutes for R&D Safety 19 Companies Interieur 66 Companies 5 Institutes for R&D Electronic 58 Companies 18 Institutes for R&D Technologies 144 Companies 8 Institutes for R&D
8 Business activities A temporal advantage over competitiors is a wining margin while realising innovation. We create pre-competitive basic conditions in order to ameliorate the market position of Saxon sub-suppliers in relation to competitors. Labor Market Innovation Competitive- ness
9 Project Examples A Car as a mobile Point of Communication Lead enterprise: KB Impuls GmbH Turnover Planning: 20 Mio. € until 2009; Labor capability: 20 employees Crash relevant structural components Lead enterprise: ISE Industries Hainichen GmbH Small series contract with 3,5 Mio. € ; Turnover planning until 2010: 87 Mio. € ; Labor capability : 200 empl. Axles from Saxony Lead enterprise: BMG Baugruppen- und Modulfertigung GmbH Glauchau 120 additional employees manufacture rear-suspension and Corner-Modules in Glauchau Sporting seats from Saxony Lead enterprise: Funke & Will AG Turnover Planning: 14 Mio. € until 2009; Labor capability : 13 employees Noise reduction at BMW- accelerator pedal Lead enterprise: Steffen Söhner GmbH Total contract volume: 14 Mio. € Inspiring Idea creates hundreds of new employments Lead enterprise: TAKATA-PETRI (Sachsen) GmbH 250 additional employees manufacture 6,5 Mio. Drivers- and Side- and Micro inflator p. a.; Further Labor capability : 200 employees
active Companies
11 Contact TechnologieCentrum Chemnitz (TCC) Annaberger Straße 240 D Chemnitz Contact:Mr.Michael Stopp,Department Director Industry/Foreign Trade Chamber of Commerce and Industry Southwest Saxony Phone: Fax: AMZ-Project office:
Thank you for your attention!