Waves All kinds of waves…
Waves Wave characteristics are the same on matter what type of wave we are dealing with.
Wave Types Standing wave, Traveling wave, Compression wave
Waves Crest, trough, wavelength, frequency, amplitude, wave speed, node are all characteristics that need to be identified.
Anatomy Crest Trough Amplitude Wavelength Node Wave height
Compression Waves
Mechanical Waves Must travel through a medium.
Electromagnetic Waves No medium (Not even an extra-large)
Electromagnetic Waves Light will travel through a vacuum Sound will not go through a vacuum
Electromagnetic Waves
??? What is happening with frequency? What is happening with wavelength? What is happening with energy?
Energy Increases with amplitude
Amplitude Light: Brightness Sound: Volume
Frequency Light: Color Sound: Pitch
… There are days… I wish I could increase the amplitude of my students… Just sayin’…