Review of Fourth Conjugation Verbs Pres.Pres.Perf.Perf. Act.Act.Act.Pass. Indic.Infin.Indic.Participle 1st conjugationvocovocarevocavi vocatus - call 2nd conjugationmoneomoneremonuimonitus - warn Reg. 3 rd conjugationrego regere rexi rectus - rule “io” 3 rd conjugationcapiocaperecepicaptus - take 4 th conjugationaudioaudireaudiviauditus - hear
TenseRule Active and Passive Voice (1 st & 2 nd conj.)(Reg. 3 rd conj.)(4 th conj.) Present Pres. Stem + PE Pres. Root + i + PE Pres. Stem + PE ImperfectPres. Stem + ba + PEPres. Root + eba + PE Pres. Stem + eba + PE FuturePres. Stem + bi + PEPres. Root + a/e + PE Pres. Stem + a/e + PE Present Stem = Present Active Infinitive (2nd principal part of verb) - re Present Root = Present Active Infinitive (2nd principal part of verb) – ere “io” verbs of the third conjugation add an i to the present root.
Present Tense of audio audire – hear(Page 196) (Active Voice) Rule = Present Stem + Personal Endings 1. audi+o = audioI hear, am hearing, do hear 2. audi+s =audisyou hear, are hearing, do hear 3. audi+t = audithe hears, is hearing, does hear 1. audi+mus = audimuswe hear, are hearing, do hear 2. audi+tis =auditisyou hear, are hearing, do hear 3. audi+nt = audiuntthey hear, are hearing, do hear (Passive Voice) Rule = Present Stem + Personal Endings 1. audi+or = audiorI am (being) heard 2. audi+ris =audirisyou are (being) heard 3. audi+tur = auditurhe is (being) heard 1. audi+mur = audimurwe are (being) heard 2. audi+mini =audiminiyou are (being) heard 3. audi+ntur = audiunturthey are (being) heard
Imperfect Tense of audio audire – hear(Page 196) (Active Voice) Rule = Present Stem + eba +Personal Endings 1. audi+eba+m = audiebamI was hearing, used to hear, did hear 2. audi+eba+s =audiebasyou were hearing, used to hear, did hear 3. audi+eba+t = audiebathe was hearing, used to hear, did hear 1. audi+eba+mus = audiebamuswe were hearing, used to hear, did hear 2. audi+eba+tis =audiebatisyou were hearing, used to hear, did hear 3. audi+eba+nt = audiebantthey were hearing, used to hear, did hear (Passive Voice) Rule = Present Stem + eba + Personal Endings 1. audi+eba+r = audiebarI was (being) heard 2. audi+eba+ris =audiebarisyou were (being) heard 3. audi+eba+tur = audiebaturhe was (being) heard 1. audi+eba+mur = audiebamurwe were (being) heard 2. audi+eba+mini =audiebaminiyou were (being) heard 3. audi+eba+ntur = audiebanturthey were (being) heard
Future Tense of audio audire – hear(Pages 196) (Active Voice) Rule = Present Stem + a/e +Personal Endings 1. audi+a+m = audiamI shall hear 2. audi+e+s =audiesyou will hear 3. audi+e+t = audiethe will hear 1. audi+e+mus = audiemuswe shall hear 2. audi+e+tis =audietisyou will hear 3. audi+e+nt = audientthey will hear (Passive Voice) Rule = Present Stem + a/e + Personal Endings 1. audi+a+r = audiarI shall be heard 2. audi+e+ris =audierisyou will be heard 3. audi+e+tur = audieturhe will be heard 1. audi+e+mur = audiemurwe shall be heard 2. audi+e+mini=audieminiyou will be heard 3. audi+e+ntur = audienturthey will be heard
All Latin Verbs (Regular and Irregular)(Review Sheet) Perfect, Pluperfect, Future Perfect Tenses, Active Voice PerfectPerfect Stem + i, isti,it, imus, istis, erunt (has, have; simple past) PluperfectPerfect Stem + eram, eras erat, eramus, eratis, erant (had) Future PerfectPerfect Stem + ero, eris,erit, erimus, eritis, erint (shall have/will have)
Review of the Accusative Case Accusative Case Endings M. F. N. M. F. N. (N. “i” stem) Singular: um am um em em -- (e, al, ar) Plural: os as a es es a (ia) 6. Direct Object (subject verb whom/what), 7. Object of Certain Prepositions ( prope near; per through; post after; inter between, among; ante before; circum around; contra opposite; apud near; propter on account of; trans across, over; praeter besides, except; intra within), 8. Place to Which (ad to, toward, near; in into, against; sub up to), 9.Subject Accusative (subject of an infinitive), 10. Duration of Time (no preposition),