Verbs (past, present, future) By: Courtney Smith
Verbs Verbs: a physical or mental action or the state of being A verb is something that a subject does. There are 3 different tenses of a verb, past, present and future.
Verbs: Present A verb that has the tense of present are the “normal” verbs. For example, “He is going to the mall.” “Is going” is in present tense, because it is happening in the present. It is a action that is occurring at the present time.
Verbs: Past A verb in past tense have already occurred. They happened in the past. For example, “I loved my teddy bear.” “Loved” is in the past tense, because it was a past action. To distinguish a past verb, they most of the time end in –ed.
Verbs: Future A verb in the future tense hasn’t happened yet, but will happen in the future. When you find a future tense verb, they will normally have a helping verb before the action verb. For example, “I will go the Disney World for spring break.” “Will go” is in the future tense, because it hasn’t happened, but it will happen.