E.Guschin (INR,Moscow) 14 February 2007Calorimeter commissioning meeting, CERN Digital camera with LED monitoring Status: Photographs of SPD are completed from both top and bottom. The PS1 and PS2 are done in the bottom part. To go ahead the problem is an access. The quality of pictures is good except in the first part (SPD5-8 bottom), where it was luck of experience, so the quality was just satisfactory. The first look shows correlation between installation data and cosmic test and current measurements. The total number of not working LED’s is ~0.5%, that was at the installation. Some problems with fibres are identified. The broken fibre shown on SPD6 bottom is confirmed with cosmic data. Further analysis is ongoing but time consuming.
E.Guschin (INR,Moscow) 14 February 2007Calorimeter commissioning meeting, CERN SPD SM6 bottom Fiber problem LED problem? Confirmed with cosmic data
E.Guschin (INR,Moscow) 14 February 2007Calorimeter commissioning meeting, CERN PS1 bottom “C” side Left cableRight cableCentral cable
E.Guschin (INR,Moscow) 14 February 2007Calorimeter commissioning meeting, CERN PS2 bottom Left cableRight cableCentral cable Orientation -135 degree ?!
E.Guschin (INR,Moscow) 14 February 2007Calorimeter commissioning meeting, CERN SPD1 bottom “C” side Left cableCentral cableRight cable
E.Guschin (INR,Moscow) 14 February 2007Calorimeter commissioning meeting, CERN SPD2 bottom Left cableCentral cableRight cable
E.Guschin (INR,Moscow) 14 February 2007Calorimeter commissioning meeting, CERN SPD3 bottom Left cable Right cable
E.Guschin (INR,Moscow) 14 February 2007Calorimeter commissioning meeting, CERN SPD4 bottom 1-6 cables Left cable
E.Guschin (INR,Moscow) 14 February 2007Calorimeter commissioning meeting, CERN SPD4 bottom 7-11cables Right cable
E.Guschin (INR,Moscow) 14 February 2007Calorimeter commissioning meeting, CERN SPD5 top 1-6 cables Left cable
E.Guschin (INR,Moscow) 14 February 2007Calorimeter commissioning meeting, CERN SPD5 top 7-11 cables Right cable
E.Guschin (INR,Moscow) 14 February 2007Calorimeter commissioning meeting, CERN SPD6 top Right cable Left cable
E.Guschin (INR,Moscow) 14 February 2007Calorimeter commissioning meeting, CERN SPD7 top Left cable Right cable
E.Guschin (INR,Moscow) 14 February 2007Calorimeter commissioning meeting, CERN SPD8 top Right cable Left cable