ITUC Human and Trade Union Rights Department Mandate and Action Plan Steve Benedict, Director, ITUC HTUR Dept.
ITUC Congress Vienna Promoting HTUR is a key objective of the ITUC –Precondition for social justice –Combat without distinction in all countries –Promote and defend the rôle of the ILO
HTUR Committee Vienna Congress called upon affiliates to coordinate their efforts concerning international cooperation … and to maintain a HTUR Committee Approved in December 2008 Mandate: to oversee and guide ITUC HTUR work and to report to GC To ensure regional participation to the HTUR Committee Next Meeting: Berlin Oct 2009
HTUR Action Plan Human and Trade Unions Rights Commitee HTUR Networks Annual Survey of Violations of Trade Unions Rights Protest letters and appeals Countries at risk Thematic campaigns ILO Standards and Supervisory Mechanisms Training
HTUR Networks To be created at regional level and supported at international level Composed by HTUR and legal experts Objectives – Exchange of experiences and good practices – Monitor HTURs and exchange information Letters of protest and appeals Input to the Annual Survey – Increase participation in campaigns
Annual Survey Assessment of respect for TURs and denunciation of violations –Important: affiliates' contribution –2009 Edition published in June 2009 –Revision in progress Major ITUC publication and media tool A working instrument for the ITUC and affiliates (ILO work, CEACR, lobbying, training)
Annual Survey (2) HTUR Department objective –Revision of the Survey, both format and content, by the department Questionnaire on the Survey Change of the legal part structure Development of a database to enable further analysis and reporting –Enhance information flow (incl. affiliates' contribution ) through the HTUR networks Weakness of current input Improve annual information gathering and checking Enlarge the audience Work on dissemination
Campaigns Protest letters and appeals Protest letters – Information to be sent to the HTUR department – Appeal to the HTUR forum Campaigns – Country campaigns In case of crisis / countries at risk Long term sustained campaign – Thematic campaign Forced labour Others
Campaigns Protest letters and appeals (2) HTUR Department objective – Increase research and analysis on specific countries and issues – Increase affiliates' participation in HTUR actions Dissemination of information Direct contact person within the department per regions – Increase external visibility of actions
Monitoring and control on application –Supervisory Mechanisms Submissions to CEACR and support to affiliates Comments on Governments' Reports to the CEACR See ILO schedule – before September 1st ILC Cases list Complaints to the CFA ILO Work – input to ILO work
The HTUR Dept objective: –Enhance affiliates' understanding and contribution to the ILO standards setting and Supervisory mechanisms and follow-up –Support and advise affiliates during the adoption of new legislation ILO Work – input to ILO work
Training Create awareness about HTUR Training session on specific topics – International labour standards – Supervisory mechanisms – Other issues … in relation with the ILO Turin Center
Thank you and don’t hesitate to contact us Contact details within HTUR Department Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, B 1, BE-1210 Brussels, Belgium Tel (direct):