Photo of child Name of child Quick links: to school letters that relate to your child, school calendar, your child's timetable, assessment data (not yet live)and parent portal Headlines: Scrolls through headline information about your child / children's including; attendance, lateness and achievement Provides a link to Moodle, your will need you child’s login to access this Timetable: Shows your child’s timetable for the current day. If you have more than one child at the school you will be able to toggle between them. A week view can be seen by using the ‘quick links’ at the top of the page Homework Tracker: Shows the homework that your child has been set, you can view by subject and look at the status e.g. Overdue, marked etc. Again if you have more than one child you can toggle between them (see page 2 for further information) Student record: Allows you to see the personal details we have on record for your child as well as more in-depth information about attendance and achievement Parent Portal home page
Allows you to toggle between your children if you have more than one If you click on this you can find out further information about the homework Allows you to view all homework or by subject Allows you to view homework by status; Outstanding = set by teacher but student has not submitted it yet, however the deadline has not been reached Overdue = work has not been completed by the deadline Submitted = student has submitted the work to their teacher Marked = teacher has received the work Note: students self submit their work Homework Tracker
Click here on the homepage to view detailed student record This section allows you to look at the information we have on your child. If you click on the ‘more’ button at the bottom it take you to an even more detailed page. Some of the data fields won’t apply to your child or even our school. This section allows you to look at your child’s attendance, a session means either the morning or the afternoon. If you click on the ‘more’ button at the bottom it take you to an even more detailed page. Below these you will find additional data fields which work in exactly the same way Student record page