Letters of Recommendati on Who to Ask and How to Ask
What is a Letter of Recommendation? A written statement supporting your application for a specific internship program, school, scholarship, or job opportunity
Deciding Who to Choose Consider the following: Is the individual willing to provide strong, favorable information about you? Does the individual know you well enough to say substantive praise about you? Does the individual have time to write a letter? Is the individual a family member? (Never ask a family member)
Possible Candidates Current or previous work supervisors Teachers, advisors, or coaches Leaders in organizations where you volunteer School counselors Principal or vice principal
For HS Students Teachers are generally the best resources to comment about your academic skills. Coaches, counselors, community and church leaders are quality sources to comment about your talents and skill sets. Accept “No” for an answer and find someone new.
When Asking Give enough time Give your writers plenty of time to develop their letter; they will need it to build up their ideas and write a thoughtful letter. Give your writer some insight on what it is you are applying for Provide: Deadline information A copy of your résumé, activities, accomplishments, and achievements