August 25, 2010 Today, you will locate safety equipment in the room and be able to tell me what the equipment is used for IN:
Laboratory Safety Quiz
Use your OWN paper and number the page 1 – 21
Multiple Choice Use LETTERS only – Please!! 1. If you see something in the classroom / lab that is dangerous, tell the teacher: a. When you have time b. After class c. At once d. After school 2. When you work with laboratory chemicals and Bunsen burners, long hair must be. a. Cut off b. Held with both hands c. Tied back securely d. Combed nicely
Multiple Choice Use LETTERS only – Please!! 3. If you are hurt (cut, burned, etc) tell the: a. Principal at once b. Class at once c. Teacher at once d. Doctor after school 4. If you break a piece of glassware or other equipment, tell the teacher a. The next period b. At clean-up time c. Immediately d. Never
Multiple Choice Use LETTERS only – Please!! 5. To put out a fire in a persons hair or clothing use the: a. Emergency Shower b. Water from the sink c. The wind produced by running d. The CO2 fire extinguisher 6. The correct way to move about the laboratory is to: a. Run b. Walk c. Hurry d. Skip
Multiple Choice Use LETTERS only – Please!! 7. Helping to clean up the laboratory is the job of: a. New students b. Old students c. Each and every student d. The teacher 8. To prevent accidents during lab activities with chemicals and equipment, you should: a. Use shortcuts in the procedure b. Follow the teachers directions c. Hurry ahead of everyone else d. Ask someone else to do your work
Multiple Choice Use LETTERS only – Please!! 9. Playing in the laboratory or bothering another person is: a. ALWAYS against the rules b. NOT dangerous c. Ok. As long as you are working d. Helpful to the teacher 10. If flammable (can catch on fire) liquids, such as alcohol, are spilled, you should: a. Let them dry up b. Tell the teacher immediately c. Clean them up immediately d. Both B & C
Multiple Choice Use LETTERS only – Please!! 11. If acid gets on your skin or clothes, wash them at once with: a. Sulfuric Acid b. The soda in your backpack c. Plenty of running water d. Oil 12. You MUST wear approved eye protection when using chemicals in the laboratory: a. To improve your vision b. To avoid myopia and other diseases c. Occasionally or Sometimes d. At ALL times
Multiple Choice Use LETTERS only – Please!! 13. Disturbing other students while they are working in the laboratory is: a. Helpful b. Dangerous c. Entertaining d. The quickest way to do the job
TRUE / FALSE Put the letter T or F for each answer!! 14. A substance in the lab may be tasted as long as it smells good. 15. Before leaving the lab, all equipment should be returned to the proper places and all work areas should be cleaned. 16. Eating or drinking in a lab is safe as long as it is not done from lab equipment 17. If there is extra time at the end of class, you may perform other experiments NOT assigned by your teacher.
TRUE / FALSE Put the letter T or F for each answer!! 18. When working with an open flame, long hair does NOT have to be tied back as long as it is neat. 19. Practical jokes are acceptable in the classroom as long as no one is harmed. 20. It is usually necessary to place your nose directly over a container to smell odors. 21. If your work area and equipment become a mess during an experiment, it is the job of the next class clean it up.
Lab Safety Equipment Scavenger Hunt 5 Min
Classroom Map
Don’t be Barbie… nce/chemistry/chemclub/ nce/chemistry/chemclub/
Safety Cartoons…. Draw barbie in a dangerous lab situation…. Write what she is doing wrong Write what she should do to prevent an accident
Role Play…. Number off 1 or 2 Lab Safety Role play scenario….. “UH UH! Look at her! What does she think shes doing??? She better stop _______________________ or shes going to ___________________
OUT When in the lab classroom, you must always…………………..?
Safety Video
Journal Entry (1/2 page) After Watching safety video….discuss three things that students did that were wrong and why.