Maritime Navigation and Information Services (MarNavIS) Proposal for FP6
MarNavIS The project is a part of the research that supports the Transport Policy. There are two calls: 1A and 2A in April 2003 and December 2003.This project should be seen in close connection with the co-ordinating platform
Work packages in cluster 1 Reporting and information: WP1: Safe Seanet and its commercial applications (movement info to Stakeholders) WP2: Reporting by vessels, using AIS, LR AIS and Voyage plans WP3: Waste management WP4: Deliberate oil spills: use of SAR to trace perpetrators WP5: HAZMAT and regional pointer databases WP6: PSC and Equasis
Work packages in cluster 2 Environmental issues: WP1: Determination of safety levels and bottlenecks using the EMSA accident database and AIS traffic information WP2: Development of risk indices for vessels WP3: Determination of reasonable response times; SAR resources, OPRC resources, salvage and ETVs WP4: Safe Havens WP5: Monitoring of risk vessels WP6: VTM at sea and implementation of VTM
Work packages in cluster 3 Resource management in ports: WP1: Resource management information from AIS, ship agents and coastal authorities.(Pilots, tugs, mooring gangs and other services WP2: Information needs of port stakeholders, agents, stevedores, road hauliers, barge companies, train freight companies WP3: One stop shopping of authorities WP3: Security in ports WP4: Simplification of cargo document flows and customs WP5: Interfaces to PCS, RIS and CCS in ports WP6: A small port solution WP7: Waist and dangerous goods management
Work packages in cluster 4 Port activities: WP1: Safety levels in ports WP2: The changing role of VTM in a port WP3: Port’s safety and infrastructural info on board vessels WP4: Allocation of slots WP5: Dangerous goods in ports WP6: Calamity abatement
Work packages in cluster 5 Onboard requirements: WP1: External Information flows on board WP2: Routing and met info/Navtext – EURO GOOSE WP3: Fuel optimisation WP4: ENCs updates WP5: Expert systems support such as anchoring help, WP6: Relevant legal info WP5: Info connections with ship manager WP6: AIS/ECDIS/radar integration WP7: K eycards/credit cards/personal transponders for passengers in passenger vessels and ferries
Work packages in cluster 6 Calamity prevention and abatement: WP1: Fire prevention and abatement WP2: Damage ship stability WP3: Evacuation WP4: Integration of systems to an emergency response system
Work packages in cluster 7 Technology and Hardware: WP1: Integration of AIS with SAR WP2: LR-AIS WP3: Broadband applications for ships WP4: Radar applications to find oil slicks WP5: Satellite and SAR surveillance
Work packages in cluster 8 Regulatory and legal matters: WP1: Intervention convention WP2: Liability conventions WP3: Implications of UNCLOS WP4: Helsinki/Bonn/Barcelona conventions WP5: Virtual European Coast Guard WP6: Safe havens WP7: The role of EMSA WP8: Privacy aspects
DEMONSTRATORS 1.Pan – European reporting system based on “One Stop Shopping”.(see EMBARC) 2.Pan – European flow of ship movement information by linking selected countries like e.g Greece, Italy, Spain, France, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, Norway and Sweden by using radar, AIS and LR-AIS (satellite) inputs. 3.Pan – European information network for distribution of environmental parameters like sea, wind, current etc.
Advisory Board Core Management Cluster Policy Research Implementation Assessment &Tr & Ed DGTREN REF.GROUP IP STRUCTURE