6 May 2009 Shortsea The motorway of the 21 st century ? ! ! ! Sander van ‘t Verlaat
6 May 2009 SPC HOLLAND Started in 1997 based on report “No traffic jams at sea” Public/private partnership Financed by companies in the shortsea sector and ministry Main aims Increase awareness of shortsea with shippers, forwarders and transport comp. Provide information on shortsea as intermodal alternative to road transport
6 May 2009 Financial participants Supported by FENEX and BZE Ports Branche organisations Terminals Ministry:
6 May 2009 Enquiries Total number of enquiries Totale saving in ton/km At least: 10,8 million10,5 billion Type of enquirer Company Government1311 Consultant2312 Student25 (8)25 Private person1216
6 May Number of unique visitors Website per working day Search engine liner services per calendar day 67 Freight enquiry system per year # of enquiries via freight enquiry system 3532 # of newsflash messages Announcement of activities and publications Monthly by Shortsea News to more than 1500 persons Update shortsea services; monthly mail to shippers
6 May 2009 Activities 2008 Report can be downloaded from
6 May 2009 Intermodal shortsea chain Shortsea can be alternative to road transport In combination with road transport Shortsea can be competitive on longer distances In combination with rail and road e.g. Italy In combination with inland barge and road e.g. Germany Shortsea also more sustainable Cooperation necessary !
6 May 2009 Partners
6 May 2009 Joint strategy Create transparent transport modes Create awareness to all parties of possibilities for cooperation between modes Cooperation between promotion centers One virtual portal for all intermodal modes Also in practice ………
6 May 2009 Factsheet intermodal transport In English 5000 copies printed Mailing to all shippers in database
6 May 2009 Booklet “Facts & figures” Statistics on intermodal transport from a Dutch perspective
6 May 2009 Intermodal working visits 17 October 2007 Representatives chambers of Commerce
6 May 2009 Other intermodal activities
6 May 2009 More information: