Integrated Operations SIG: Distributed Temperature Survey Data Transfer Standard Paul Maton (POSC) POSC SIG Seminar, Delhi, India
Overview Introduction Summary of the technology Early applications, emerging requirements of DTS in E&P Business drivers for DTS in E&P SIG formation and activities Current status and plans
(DTS) Fiber installation patterns in Wellbores Single straight fiber Single straight fiber plus independent sensor Partially returned fiber or ‘J’ Fully returned fiber or ‘U’ Wellhead level DTS ‘Box’
Backscatter spectrum Stokes component Temperature independent Raman bands Wavelength Intensity Brillouin bands Rayleigh component equal to incident wavelength Anti-Stokes component Strongly temperature dependent Temperature = f(( I +/ I -) +…) I-I- I+
DTS proprietary data format Well/Wellbore Backscatter to Temperature converter Near-real Time Data Server / RTU / … Vendor Datastore Vendor Applications Proprietary Datastore Proprietary Applications Partner(s) Wellsite Operations Centre and/or Offices DTSML standard data format Overview: DTS Data Diagram Vendor Datastore Vendor Applications Proprietary Datastore Proprietary Applications Operator Wellhead Optical fiber carrying transmitted and backscattered light DTSML Server Laser DTS Box SupplierOpen Standard Client
Some DTS roles in Production Operations Routine prduction monitoring –Track normal temperature profile in steady flows. –Measure fow rates with introduced temperature anomaly Construction and Maintenance –Detect inflows to wellbore thru’ faulty casing –Detect water- or steam-flood break-thoughs –Test wellbore integrity before and after interventions New applications of a young technology –Pressure sensing –Novel interpretations of temperature anomalies –And more…
Why establish a standard? Manufacturers Enabler for greater industry use of DTS Possible applicability in other industries Service companies Avoids the requirement for customization for each client Enabler for greater industry use of DTS Operators Access to data from different service companies Earlier availability of DTS data for engineering purposes
June ‘04 Proposal Collaborative design and development of DTS data transmission and exchange standard between DTS system manufacturers, service suppliers and operators Leverage WITSML architecture, infrastructure (API) and process (SIG) Evolution and maintenance of public domain standard through POSC Applications and storage of information are out of scope
Deliverables Definition of data content requirements Standard vocabulary – map vendor specific terminology to standard. Analysis of the usability of the candidate technologies (XML, WITSML, OPC). Revision of the draft XML implementation proposed by BP –based on WITSML, will include schema, stylesheet, sample DTS data, and documentation
DTS Group formation BP sponsor Richmond meeting (March ’04) –Attendees: BP, Shell, Baker Hughes, Halliburton, POSC, Polarmetrix, Schlumberger, Sensornet, Wood Group POSC publish project proposal (June ‘04) Participation established (Sept ’04) –Active: BP, Shell, Halliburton, Schlumberger, Sensornet –Funding (17) and monitoring (3): POSC members of IntOPS SIG
DTS Group Activities Kick-off Teleconference 21 Sept –Reviewed scope, raised issues (IP, data content, flexibility, XML or OPC?, etc.) Workgroup at Shell, London, 12 Oct –Reviewed and refined requirements, scope, issues from 21 Sept, received submissions from Halliburton and Shell. On-going work by SIG Members and POSC staff –Documenting and analysing requirements –Revising XML schemas
Issues - 1 XML and/or OPC? –DTS Group reviewing status of OPC move from DCOM to XML –Proceeding with DTSML development leveraging BP/BHI and WITSML assets Reuse of WITSML assets –Leverage data objects such as Well, Wellbore and many components Flexibility and Extensibility –DTS is a young and evolving technology –Allow some Company specific but identifiable variations
Issues - 2 Bandwidth constraints –Between wellhead / control center / office –Any of three levels of bandwidth are common: Low: 9600 baud RTU connection Low to medium: 64kB to 100MB High: in the order of GBytes/sec –Need to design for minimal verbosity of XML messages Data transmission functionalities –Batch and near real-time data access –DTS system and network quality components –Deferred, but future implementations may use WITSML Server capabilities
Requirements - 1 System installation data –Well and wellbore contextual data –Fiber and ‘DTS box’ contextual data –Permanent and temporary installations –Various fiber installation patterns –Interchange of equipment Calibration of DTS system and data to wellbore –Determining position of DTS measurements along fiber and in wellbore –Calibrations used to convert Stokes/Anti-Stokes intensity ratio to temperature and apply other corrections –OTDR (Optical Time Domain Reflectometry): self-checking fiber and system functionality
Requirements – 2 DTS data types –Stokes, anti-Stokes, OTDR, raw Temperature, calibrated Temperature –Routine selection of all or some of the above Flexible DTS Message Content –Enable selection of calibration, context and temperature types for particular purposes –Need to satisfy transfers between wellsite to office, office to wellsite, and office to office
Outline DTS Message Data Model dtsMessage uidMessage, dTim, …. dtsBox mfr, serial#, dTim… dtsCalibration(s) Attributes OTDR 0..n*[ I rayleigh ] fiber mfr, serial#, … fiberInWellbore length, mD, dTim… wellbore nameWellbore, … well nameWell, field… temperatures dTim, Stokes, antiStokes, tRaw, tCal
Current Plan Completed capture and review of first iteration on requirements by end-December Complete first iteration on specifications by end- January Complete second iteration on specifications and SIG review by end-February Industry comment period through March Publish standard by end-March ‘05
Conclusions Business case exists for DTS data transfer standard: to benefit of Operators, Service Companies and DTS system manufacturers Clear, focussed objectives and community of interest established Requirements, Issues and Resources collected and being analysed Publication of standard anticipated in March ’05, within 6-months from Kick-off. Further participation is invited, in active, reviewer and subsequent implementation roles
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