By Tim Ahern, Program Manager IRIS DMS A “Short” Introduction to the IRIS Data Management Center Data Holdings, Data Organization, and Data Access
FDSN Backbone Network 200 stations currently Plans to increase in size to 300 Americas need better representation FDSN Archive for Continuous Data at the IRIS DMC
DMCUofWASL DCCIDA DCC KZNet Almaty Data QA Network Ops Data QA KNET Bishkek Data QA The IRIS Data Management System
DMC GSN PASSCAL US Regional Networks Non-FDSN Networks FDSN USArray PBOSAFOD EarthScope IRIS Data Sources
More than 14,264 seismic stations from 267 networks and 469 temporary deployments have data available through the IRIS DMC
291 Permanent, 625 PASSCAL, 170 SEIS-UK, 75 OBSIP 60 stations have real time telemetry 1,495 Stations in Central and S. America
1,997 stations telemetered in real time from 91 different networks
60 Stations come in real time to the IRIS DMC (not including TA, IM, etc)
Seismological Broadband Seismometers Strong Motion Buildings Structures Free Field Geophones Hydrophones Meteorological Wind Speed Wind Direction Temperature Humidity Rain Gauge Solar Radiaton Insolation/ Pyranometer Microbarograph Relative/Absolute Infrasound microphones Geophysical Magnetotelluric Magnetometer Electric Field Strainmeter dilatational tensor Tidal Pendulum Gravimeter conventional superconducting Tiltmeter Creep Meters Geophysical Magnetotelluric Magnetometer Electric Field Strainmeter dilatational tensor Tidal Pendulum Gravimeter conventional superconducting Tiltmeter Creep Meters Water Column Water Current Depth Temperature Water Level Water Column Water Current Depth Temperature Water Level Types of Sensor Data IRIS manages
IRIS Archive at 120 terabytes and growing at 20 terabytes per year
Data Request Tools at the IRIS DMC
Request Methods
Routes user requests between data centers Wraps normal Data Center operations within an application layer Coordinates delivery of information back to a user Peer based system Any NetDC node can act as a hub data center Or FDSN.ORG can be used IRIS DMC USA ORFEUS Netherlands CNSN Canada PACIFIC 21 Japan MedNet Italy GEOSCOPE France NCEDC USA NetDC Request SCEDC USA FDSN.ORG Networking Data Centers by
Network Waveforms Events DHI Data Center DHI Clients VASE SOD jWEED etc. Network Waveforms Events DHI Data Center Network Waveforms Events DHI Data Center Network Waveforms Events DHI Data Center IDL Data Handling Interface (DHI) Access to Distributed Data Centers
Existing Planned Planned (Events) DHI Enabled Centers
Existing Planned Planned (Events) DHI Enabled Centers- European
BUD Buffer of Uniform Data DHISeedLink AntelopeEarthworm SeisGram 2K VASESODEMMjWeed Seiscomp3DHI2 mseed Real Time Data Flow from DMC
Most of the 120 terabytes are in miniSEED format Metadata has been provided in dataless SEED format The huge holdings are consistent and complete due to adherence to FDSN standards Data from 267 permanent seismic networks 469 temporary deployments 14,264 stations 1,997 stations in 91 networks in real time as of 2010 The IRIS Data Management Center
Focus on solving data communication issues Station to data center Cellular modems Radio modems Data center to Internet Fiber installation Data tariffs Past efforts Central Asia SW Pacific Tsunami Task Group Can the REED effort help your networks Regional Exchange of Earthquake Data (REED)
The IRIS DMS is available to all seismologists at the same priority level All data are open There is no charge for any of IRIS services Only one piece of software has limited distribution Antelope only available to Full IRIS Members SAC available to almost all seismologists A Global Resource
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