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Presentation transcript:


Welcome to...


CHILDREN’S MINISTRY ANNOUNCEMENT Children are dismissed during the 5 minute break. Currently, we have children going to classes at all different times. Please only allow your kids to go to children’s church once they have been dismissed. Thank You!

Children are dismissed during the CHILDREN’S MINISTRY ANNOUNCEMENT Children are dismissed during the 5 minute break. Currently, we have children going to classes at all different times. Please only allow your kids to go to children’s church once they have been dismissed. Thank You!

Alleluia For the Lord God Almighty reigns

Alleluia For the Lord God Almighty reigns


Holy, Holy Are you Lord God Almighty Worthy is the Lamb

For You are holy, holy Are you Lord God Almighty Worthy is the Lamb

You are holy

Alleluia For the Lord God Almighty reigns

Alleluia For the Lord God Almighty reigns


Holy, Holy Are you Lord God Almighty Worthy is the Lamb

For You are holy, holy Are you Lord God Almighty Worthy is the Lamb

You are holy


Our Love Is Loud 20

When we sing, hear our songs to You When we dance, feel us move to You When we laugh, fill our smiles with You 21

When we lift our voices louder still, Can You hear us? Can you feel… 22

We love You, Lord, we love You, we love You 23

fill our smiles with You When we sing, loud, hear our songs to You When we dance, round, feel us move to You When we laugh aloud, fill our smiles with You 24

When we lift our voices louder still, Can You hear us? Can you feel… 25

We love You, Lord, we love You, we love You 26

Our love is big, our love is loud, fill this place with this love now 27

Our love is big, our love is loud, fill this place with this love now feel our love as we sing it now 28

We love You, Lord, we love You, we love You 29


Your Love Oh Lord

Your love, oh Lord Your faithfulness reaches to the heavens stretches to the sky

Your righteousness Your justice flows is like the mighty mountain like the ocean’s tide

I will lift my voice To worship you my King

In the shadow of Your wings I will find my strength In the shadow of Your wings

Your love, oh Lord Your faithfulness reaches to the heavens stretches to the sky

Your righteousness Your justice flows is like the mighty mountain like the ocean’s tide

I will lift my voice To worship you my King

In the shadow of your wings I will find my strength In the shadow of your wings

Your love, oh Lord Your faithfulness reaches to the heavens stretches to the sky


CHILDREN’S MINISTRY ANNOUNCEMENT Children are dismissed during the 5 minute break. Currently, we have children going to classes at all different times. Please only allow your kids to go to children’s church once they have been dismissed. Thank You!

Children are dismissed during the CHILDREN’S MINISTRY ANNOUNCEMENT Children are dismissed during the 5 minute break. Currently, we have children going to classes at all different times. Please only allow your kids to go to children’s church once they have been dismissed. Thank You!


5 Minute Break


Nothing But The Blood 47

What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus 48

Oh! Precious is the flow That makes me white as snow No other fount I know Nothing but the blood of Jesus 49

What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus 50

Oh! Precious is the flow That makes me white as snow No other fount I know Nothing but the blood of Jesus 51


Better is One Day 53

my soul longs and even faints how lovely is Your dwelling place oh Lord Almighty my soul longs and even faints for You 54

i sing beneath the shadow of for here my heart is satisfied within Your presence i sing beneath the shadow of Your wings 55

better is one day in Your courts in Your house better is one day in Your courts than thousands elsewhere 56

to find You in the place Your glory one thing i ask and i would seek to see Your beauty to find You in the place Your glory dwells 57

better is one day in Your courts in Your house better is one day in Your courts than thousands elsewhere 58

Your spirit's water to my soul my heart and flesh cry out for You the living GOD Your spirit's water to my soul 59

i've tasted and i've seen COME once again to me i will draw near to You 60

i will draw near to You 61

better is one day in Your courts in Your house better is one day in Your courts than thousands elsewhere 62

than thousands elsewhere 63

Mission’s Flame

Let worship be the fuel for mission’s flame We’re going with a passion for Your name

We’re going for we care about Your praise, send us out Let worship be the heart of mission’s aim

To see the nations recognize Your fame ‘Til every tribe and tongue voices Your praise Send us out

You should be the praise of every tongue You should be the joy of every heart

But until the fullness of Your kingdom comes Until that final revelation dawns, Send us out

Let worship be the fuel for mission’s flame We’re going with a passion for Your name

We’re going for we care about Your praise, send us out Let worship be the heart of mission’s aim

To see the nations recognize Your fame ‘Til every tribe and tongue voices Your praise Send us out

You should be the praise of every tongue You should be the joy of every heart

But until the fullness of Your kingdom comes Until that final revelation dawns, Send us out

Every tribe, every tongue Every creature in the heavens and the earth Every heart, every soul will sing Your praise, Will sing Your praise

Every note, every melody will be for You alone Every harmony that flows from every tongue will sing Your praise, Will sing your praise

Will sing Your praise, Will sing Your praise

You should be the praise of every tongue You should be the joy of every heart

But until the fullness of Your kingdom comes Until that final revelation dawns, Send us out

Send us out, send us out Send us out, send us out Send us out

Let worship be the fuel for mission’s flame We’re going with a passion for Your name

We’re going for we care about Your praise, Send us out

Have a Blessed Day!