SKY THE SEAL SKY THE SEAL By Camran Donald And Courtney Stock
1 MEET MADDISON ON MAY THE 5 TH A GIRL NAMED Madison was celebrating her 11 th birthday with her Aunty Lizzie. Maddison opened her first present she hoped it was a pet,a puppy, a guinea pig …… but no it was a voucher for Debenhams!!!!!!!!!!! “ Do you like it ?” Asked Lizzie. Asked Lizzie. “ Um, I do like it, but……..its just, its….. Not what I was hoping for. “ Um, I do like it, but……..its just, its….. Not what I was hoping for. The next day Madison was at home with Lizzie AGAIN. She was wondering what to do she though and she thought and The next day Madison was at home with Lizzie AGAIN. She was wondering what to do she though and she thought and then she yelled “ YES, I know what to do, then she yelled “ YES, I know what to do, I know what to do I can go down to the beech and invite all my friends too” I know what to do I can go down to the beech and invite all my friends too”
2 The Finding 2 The Finding When Madison's only friend Paige finally turned up, they raced down to the rock pools to see what they could find. They both found one ruby red crab and two clown fish. When the fun was over Paige explained why she had to move house. “I would like stay but I can’t because I’m moving next door to you in the mansion, I can’t wait can you?’’ I paused for a second then I screamed “AWESOME….. So shall we go swimming in the sea. When Madison's only friend Paige finally turned up, they raced down to the rock pools to see what they could find. They both found one ruby red crab and two clown fish. When the fun was over Paige explained why she had to move house. “I would like stay but I can’t because I’m moving next door to you in the mansion, I can’t wait can you?’’ I paused for a second then I screamed “AWESOME….. So shall we go swimming in the sea.
When Madison and Paige went swimming Madison heard a splashing noise. Madison and Paige swam over to see what it was… When Madison and Paige went swimming Madison heard a splashing noise. Madison and Paige swam over to see what it was… “A BABY SEAL” Shouted Madison swimming over to see. “A BABY SEAL” Shouted Madison swimming over to see. “Where where I can’t see.’’ Cried Paige trying to see were the baby seal is. “Where where I can’t see.’’ Cried Paige trying to see were the baby seal is. “Over there look.Look, can you see him?” Asked Madison pointing to her left. “Over there look.Look, can you see him?” Asked Madison pointing to her left. Madison untied the seal pups small flipper, Madison and Paige swam to shore. Madison untied the seal pups small flipper, Madison and Paige swam to shore.
4 What to do ? 4 What to do ? izzie. Lizzie come down to the shore to see what we found” Madison and Paige yelled in perfect harmony. ”Ok! But don’t scream in my ear next time is that clear” exclaimed Lizzie. “Lizzie. Lizzie come down to the shore to see what we found” Madison and Paige yelled in perfect harmony. ”Ok! But don’t scream in my ear next time is that clear” exclaimed Lizzie. “yeh. Yeh come see now “replied the girls as they dragged her down the beach. When they got there Lizzie stood there looking blank for about 5 minuets and then mumbled ”ok then I'll be off if that’s ok with you” and after that she ran to the hut. “yeh. Yeh come see now “replied the girls as they dragged her down the beach. When they got there Lizzie stood there looking blank for about 5 minuets and then mumbled ”ok then I'll be off if that’s ok with you” and after that she ran to the hut.
5 The Big Decision 5 The Big Decision WATER WILL YA !” of disturbance from sky in the ocean the rest of the people from the beach huts had a meeting so they could see what do with sky. The first man yelled ”JUST THROW THE DAMN THING BACK IN THE WATER WILL YA !” After two long sleepless nights and weeks
N “NO,NO,NO you cant do it,I wont let you “ Madison cried ”Well that’s how its goanna be, Honey” her next door announced putting her arm around Madison Madison rushed to sky and hid Her Madison rushed to sky and hid Her “What seal ???? “ Madison slammed the front door. “What seal ???? “ Madison slammed the front door.
5 THE FRIDAYS! 5 THE FRIDAYS! “All I really want is money in ma pocket cash in my hand and squilla in my wallet, yeh ’’ The group sang. Madison heard the group sing and looked for a second,rushed down stairs with Sky to see The Fridays sing in their song video Madison heard the group sing and looked for a second,rushed down stairs with Sky to see The Fridays sing in their song video “CUUTT!!!!! I want a baby seal pup in the video! “ demanded the director. “CUUTT!!!!! I want a baby seal pup in the video! “ demanded the director. “Maybe you could be in it.’’ Whispered Madison to Sky.” excuse me would you my like seal pup called sky? Shouted Madison. “Maybe you could be in it.’’ Whispered Madison to Sky.” excuse me would you my like seal pup called sky? Shouted Madison.
“YES’’ shouted the director “ YES.YES.YES that’s just what we need. Thank you,thank you”. “Oh my pleasure” Madison replied. Two Year and they were still practicing until they completed the song video. Two Year and they were still practicing until they completed the song video.