Kaceys learning journal Music and Computing Spring 2015
Music Targets “I Can” StatementsEvidence: How I achieved this? Play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts I can sing in the Gospel Choir confidently because you can sing in a choir which means you will be heard in a harmony part and I would be so shy to be a soloist. I can sing solos confidently Use voices and instruments with increasing accuracy, fluency, control, expression I can do actions in time with the songs that we sing I can sing sensitively, paying attention to volume, and the style of music I can tell whether my voice is a “ soprano or a alto” Because sopranos sing high and altos sing low Improvise and compose music for a arrange of purposes using the inter-related dimensions of music I can compose music using live instruments and technology I can improvise a drum kit accompaniment to a piece of hip hop Music Because on the ipads we had to make a drum kit synthesizer I can create sound effects to create a particular mood for a song
Targets “I Can” StatementsEvidence: How have I achieved this? Listen with attention to detail and recall sounds with increasing aural memory I can sing and remember harmony parts confidently in a choir because we learnt all the harmony parts and we doing it all together so its easer as a choir I can remember all the words for the songs because I learnt them all. I can remember all of the words to the songs Use and understand staff and other musical notations I understand and can compose using visual notation Appreciate and understand a wide range of live and recorded music drawn from different traditions and from great composers and musicians I can describe the sounds in a composition I can describe the form and structure of a composition
Evidence: How have I achieved this? Other things that I would like to do Other things that I would like to do
14 January 2015 Learning Objective: To edit the powerpoint created by Mr Salazar; To write about my experiences in the Gospel Choir
Gospel Choir In Gospel Choir year 5 had to learn 6 song and we had to learn them before the holidays. I learnt most of the songs In gospel and my favorite song is let the sun shine also jump and its fun.
Mr Salazar’s Comments 15 January Why did you like Let the Sun Shine? Because it’s a good song Are you a soprano or an alto? I am a soprano Do you think that you are a good singer? No How do you think you can improve as a singer? By learning the songs and practicing the songs
28 January 2015 Learning Objective – To describe musical form Definition of “Form” – How the parts of a song are put together – The structure of music
Musical Form What are the different parts of music? (Add your own definitions) – Verse: the verse is the main part of the song that changes after the second verse. – Chorus: the chorus is a part of the song that’s repeats its self. – Bridge: the bridge comes after the chorus and is also like the chorus because it never changes What does the bridge lead toward it leads towards the chorus On the next slide, you will listen to the song “Happy” and add notes regarding the verse and chorus. The first two sections are completed for you.
Happy: Musical FormLyricsInstrumentsVocals Verse 1“It might seem crazy….” Drum Kit, SynthesizerFemale Soloist Chorus“Because I’m Happy…” Drum Kit, Synthesizer and clapping Female Soloist; Background vocals Verse 2“Here comes bad news talking this and that…” Drum kit, synthesizerFemale soloist Chorus“Because I’m happy …” Drum kit, synthesizerFemale soloist Background vocals Bridge“Bring me down …”Drum kit, clapping. No synthesizer during Bridge. One other instrument ( ok) Female soloist Back ground vocals Chorus‘’Because I’m happy …” Drum kit, synthesizerFemale soloist Background vocals Bridge Chorus‘’because I’m happy…”Clapping and synthesizer Female soloist, back ground Chorus Bridge“Bring me down …”Clapping, drum kit and synthesizer Female soloist,background vocals Chorus“Because I’m happy…” Chorus
Mr Salazar’s Comments 12 February You definitions on slide 10 look good. Just answer the question that I left (I did it) Check the notes that I left on slide 11. No ok I will change it synthesizer during bridge. You will need to edit the boxes in the last 4 rows ok
Royal festival hall 3 rd march We had a long coach trip to the royal festival Hall when we got there we sat down and then they called all the other schools up on the stage then they called us on to practise.
Mr Salazar’s Comments 4 March Kacey, can you tell me about what you learned during Sing Inspiration we learnt all the harmonies to songs and to learn all the parts to the songs Has your singing voice improved? A little bit Did you sing the melodies or the harmonies in the songs? yes
18 th march 2015 Learning objectives -to add sections to my learning journey Powerpoint -to add a photo album to my learning journey Extensions To add video clips to my learning journey To illustrate my musical learning journey
Charanga I was able to create a charanga account and my user is kay#awesome123 and my password is il*******11 I will never forget the password or username because it is saved in this power point Thank you for creating the Charanga account. Your instructions were to start with the LO and to define Texture. Please add a slide before this and add that information. Look at someone else’s powerpoint if you don’t remember the LO.
13 th may 2015 Learning objective: to describe the time signature in music Song 1~drive has four counts in each bar Song 2~simple 12 bar lead~ has four counts in each bar Song 3 has three counts in a bar Song four has four count in each bar Song 5 has three counts for each bar
20 th may 2015 During this lesson,I Listened to songs and Wrote down songs and Whether the song was In 4/4 or3/4 time. I saved my worked on The ipad and improted the Photo into power point.
3 rd june 2015 Today I could not find the picture so I leafed if because you was working with other children
24 june 2015 Today we took a dynamics quiz but I cant find mine.