research-educational center ‘baikal’ alexander arguchintsev [irkutsk state university]
paradigm: interdisciplinarity Approach 1: focused on a separate and important direction of investigations. Approach 2: focused on a separate and important object of investigation Approach 1: focused on a separate and important direction of investigations. Approach 2: focused on a separate and important object of investigation
a Russian national treasure and a UNESCO World Heritage Site a fifth of the world's unfrozen fresh water deepest (1,640m) and oldest (25 million years) freshwater lake cubic kilometers of water volume (more than in Baltic Sea) Geographic investigations Geological investigations Biological investigations Limnological investigations Math simulation lake baikal WHY INTERDISCIPLINARITY? an extremely important and complex natural object a number of separate and incoherent investigations conducted by different organizations a non-trivial situation around Baikal importance of effort co-ordination
REU 1. Paleoclimate study for better environmental change prognosis. 2. Study of geological and tectonic processes for decreasing risks and nature disaster aftermaths. 3. Study of physical and chemical processes of forming natural waters in the Baikal region. 4. Structural and evolutionary study of ecosystems of water bodies in the Baikal region. 5. Mesoscale models of hydrothermal processes and anthropogenic admixture transferring in atmosphere and hydrosphere. 6. GIS and bioinformatics technologies and mathematical methods in study of Baikal.
REU 7. Comprehensive interdisciplinary studies of natural processes using unique large-scaled facilities: Baikal Neutrino Telescope 8. Research and introduction of plants for biodiversity conservation and improvement of people welfare
basic activities multidisciplinary research coordination multidisciplinary & joint advanced education networking, a multipurpose portal
REU-A REU-C REU-B interdisciplinary interaction an interdisciplinary research problem
competitions competitions are the basic principle of money distribution ~80% of REC’s money goes through competitions levels: research education forms: research grants preparation of monographs preparation of courses participation in events target groups: postgraduate students PhD students junior researhers teachers researchers
other expenses development of international collaboration management & events organization REC English language courses ISU journals Skills improvements (every year)
new generation students & junior researchers are the key target group, and the energy generator of the center junior researchers participate in the REC ‘Baikal’ workshop at Bolshie Koty, Lake Baikal, 2006
competitions for young people selection and support of most gifted and committed motivation increasing and ‘dynamization’ teamwork and team building
INP: a virtual component course 1 course 2 course N virtual component of INP russian students german students swiss students software for eLectures collaboration services eLibrary, etc.
general public education ecological knowledge in common use information resources education of local people through research stations special activities for secondary schools professional skills improvement
the basic virtual platform of the center rus & eng versions information support data & knowledge collection & distribution specific web-services eLibs, QA-systems, DBs, knowledge processing networking project management, eLearning social projects
external linkages monodisciplinary & interdisciplinary problem solving within REUs development of INPs and international students teams joint teaching virtual joint projects through development of resources
international cooperation monodisciplinary & interdisciplinary problem solving within REUs development of INPs and international students teams joint teaching virtual joint projects through development of resources
international cooperation Joint research projects (Swiss, Germany) International summer schools (ecology) Joint educational projects (2 diploma DAAD grant for Kiel- Irkutsk, ) virtual joint projects through development of resources
Commercialization Skolkovo – Andrei Mantsivoda Nanotechnologies – regional application to Rosnano (just now)
Financial resources I.Federal program "Research and Training Specialists in Innovative Russia, “ (19 of 60) Act. 1.1 (supporting of RECs) – 2 projects («Lake Baikal Monitoring», «Geographic estimation of Baikal rivers water resources» Act (Dr. Sc.) -2 projects Act (Cand. Sc.) -3 projects Act (Young Cand. Sc.) -2 projects Act (Ph. D. students) -7 projects Act. 1.5 (invited researches) – 2 projects Act. 2.1 (international schools) -1 project
Financial resources - 2 II. Program “Development of a research potential of higher education“ REC «Baikal» - 1 project ( ), 1 project ( ) «Mikhail Lomonosov» Program – 6 grants Supporting of the ISU Botanic Garden
Financial resources - 3 III. Russian Foundation for Basic Research 7 research projects 1 project for joint research conference with DFG 3 projects for conferences support 1 research project of the regional competition «RFRB-Siberia»
‘shuttle’ visits to international partners discussion on the REC ‘Baikal’ conception at EAWAG, Zurich, Switzerland May 2007
regional impact the roundtable “REC ‘Baikal’ as the innovation model for research and education integration” at the Baikal Economic Forum Sep. 2010
cooperation with other RECs Kolmakov (REC-02 ‘Enisei’) is consulting junior researchers from the Buryat State University 1st REC ‘Baikal’ workshop Bolshie Koty June 2006
future work the ambition of development of the international research & educationl interdisciplinary center focused on Lake Baikal advanced virtual part based on further academic institutions & unoversities convergence