To enrol, please complete the following application form (make cheques payable to R&R SPORTS COURSES Ltd). NAME:…………………………………………………………….……………… ………………… ADDRESS:………………………………………………………………………… E MAIL AD: POST CODE:…………………………………… AGE:…………..Year Group:………………… TEL. No. (Home)…………………….……………… MOBILE NO.:……………… PLEASE RECORD ANY ILLNESS / ALLERGIES OR DISABILITIES: ……………………………………………………………………………………… Written permission required from parent/guardian for R&R to administer any medication: Payable by cheque or cash only - Payment on the day is not accepted - Please make cheques payable to R&R SPORTS COURSES Ltd PLEASE RETURN COMPLETED FORM WITH PAYMENT TO YOUR SCHOOL RECEPTION ASAP!! *please note that once an application has been processed refunds cannot be given. I understand that no liability in respect to loss or damage to personal property or effects (eg: mobile phones, I pods, trading cards or stickers) is accepted by the course organisers or their servants whilst the above named person/s are attending the course. SIGNED: …………………………………….…………….. Parent / Guardian Note: in the case of severe weather some of the clubs will have to be cancelled R&R SPORTS COURSES: AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS Clubs commence from THURSDAY 10 th SEPTEMBER 2015 ( all after school clubs start at 3:30 to 4:30pm except Table Tennis club 7:45am to 8:45am ) Mon - Multi Games Club (runs for 12 weeks) Yrs R to 2 £36.00 (club will include: athletics, hockey, football, tennis, fun team games, kwik cricket and many more!!) Tues - Football (runs for 12 weeks) Yrs 3 to 6 £36.00 Thurs - Football (runs for 12 weeks) Yrs R to 2 £36.00 Fri - Table Tennis (runs for 14 weeks) Yrs 3 to 6 £42.00 Fri - Cross Country (runs for 12 weeks) Yrs 3 to 6 £36.00 (Please Tick appropriate box/es) (Book any 2 clubs & get £6.00 OFF!!) Please bring appropriate footwear and clothing for outdoor & Indoor coaching, Must bring plenty of non-fizzy drink. To enrol, please complete the following application form (make cheques payable to R&R SPORTS COURSES Ltd). NAME:…………………………………………………………….……………… ……………………….. ADDRESS:………………………………………………………………………… E MAIL AD: POST CODE:………………………….… AGE:……………Year Group:………………… TEL. No. (Home)……………………………………. MOBILE NO.:……………… PLEASE RECORD ANY ILLNESS / ALLERGIES OR DISABILITIES: ……………………………………………………………………………………… Written permission required from parent/guardian for R&R to administer any medication: Payable by cheque or cash only - Payment on the day is not accepted - Please make cheques payable to R&R SPORTS COURSES Ltd PLEASE RETURN COMPLETED FORM WITH PAYMENT TO YOUR SCHOOL RECEPTION ASAP!! *please note that once an application has been processed refunds cannot be given. I understand that no liability in respect to loss or damage to personal property or effects (eg: mobile phones, I pods, trading cards or stickers) is accepted by the course organisers or their servants whilst the above named person/s are attending the course. SIGNED: …………………………………….…………….. Parent / Guardian Note: in the case of severe weather some of the clubs will have to be cancelled R&R SPORTS COURSES: AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS Clubs commence from THURSDAY 10 th SEPTEMBER 2015 ( all after school clubs start at 3:30 to 4:30pm except Table Tennis club 7:45am to 8:45am ) Mon - Multi Games Club (runs for 12 weeks) Yrs R to 2 £36.00 (club will include: athletics, hockey, football, tennis, fun team games, kwik cricket and many more!!) Tues – Football (runs for 12 weeks) Yrs 3 to 6 £36.00 Thurs – Football (runs for 12 weeks) Yrs R to 2 £36.00 Fri - Table Tennis (runs for 14 weeks) Yrs 3 to 6 £42.00 Fri - Cross Country (runs for 12 weeks) Yrs 3 to 6 £36.00 (Please Tick appropriate box/es) (Book any 2 clubs & get £6.00 OFF!!) Please bring appropriate footwear and clothing for outdoor & indoor coaching, must bring plenty of non-fizzy drink.