What do you know about sports? Answer the following questions: –When and where were the 28 th Olympic Games held? –How many gold medals did China get at the Olympic Games? –Where does Liuxiang come from? –Name some sports you know.
Names of sports: boxing baseball softball cycling judo sailing weightlifting rugby shooting hockey football basketball volleyball table tennis handball badminton
What is the name of each sport? volleyballsoftball
What is the name of each sport? rugby table tennis
What is the name of each sport? handball polo
What is the name of each sport? badmintontennis
What is the name of each sport? hockey basketball
What is the name of each sport? football
Answer the following questions: Which is your favourite sport? –My favourite sport is ______.(______is my favourite sport.) How do you like it? Why do you like it? –keep your body healthy and fit. – when you study for a long time, you can relax. – you can make friends with different people.
Look and think Choose the things that tell you it is a letter. –It has: a title an address and a postal code at the top right corner a date under the address a signature(Sidney) at the end a greeting(Dear…) No Yes
Read and write Read these five parts of the letter (1.the address and the date;2.the greeting;3.the first sentence;4.the last sentence;5.the signature.) and complete the paragraph. –The letter is from a boy called (a)____to a girl called (b)____. The boy lives in a country called (c)____. He wrote to the girl on (d)____. He wants to be the girl’s (e)____and he wants her to (f)____to him soon. (a).Sidney (b).May (c).England (d).12 th October (e).pen-friend (f).write