Zakah and hajj Philip Allan Publishers © 2015
The Five Pillars Many texts suggest that there is a specific order for the Five Pillars: 1.Shahadah 2.Salah 3.Zakah 4.Sawm 5.Hajj In fact, neither the Qur’an nor the Hadith specify any order. This conventional order is simply based on the frequency of their observation. Philip Allan Publishers © 2015
Zakah (1) This is the most misunderstood of the Five Pillars. Very often zakah is translated as ‘charity’. Charity is in fact sadaqah. Zakah is correctly translated as ‘purification of wealth by payment of annual welfare due’. ‘People are given their wealth as a trust from God. Therefore, Zakah is not viewed as “charity”; it is an obligation for those who have received their wealth from God to respond to the needs of less fortunate members of the community.’ John Esposito Philip Allan Publishers © 2015
Zakah (2) In general zakah is 2.5% of surplus income. However, there are many different rates based on number of animals, income from land etc. Zakah is an obligation on all Muslims. However, if a person’s wealth or property is below a certain minimum (nisab), they are not obliged to pay zakah. Philip Allan Publishers © 2015
Hajj (1) The hajj takes place during the first 2 weeks of the 12th month of the Muslim calendar. The non-obligatory (umra) version of a pilgrimage can take place at any time. As well as fulfilling a command from Allah, one of the greatest benefits of the hajj is that it strengthens the Ummah (worldwide community of Muslims; the nation of Islam). Philip Allan Publishers © 2015
Hajj (2) There are certain criteria to meet: Hajj must be performed at least once in a Muslim’s lifetime (if possible). One must be of good mental health. One must be of good physical health. One must be able to afford the hajj without incurring debt. One must be able to provide for dependents while on hajj. Intention to sacrifice one’s time, possessions, status and normal comforts must be the reason, as well as obedience to God’s will. Philip Allan Publishers © 2015