Health Improvement Physical Education Home Economics
Basketball Badminton Football Swimming Gymnastics Body Combat Dance Dodgeball Aqua Fitness Table Tennis
Skills Analysing Evaluating Investigating Working Together Communication Confidence
Leadership Skills Talking in front of people Confidence Problem Solving Cooperation
Home Economics
Real Life Contexts
Do I put water in the kettle before I switch it on? One pupil drained pasta through colander onto floor! Do we have to wash dishes? What do I do if this starts burning?
Key Life Skills Time Management Organisation Communication Evaluation
Successful Living Responsibility Adaptability Creativity Hygiene/Safety
Design & Make Tasks Identification of Foods & Food labelling Eating Habits Life Choices
It has helped me know different meals to prepare. This will be good for when I move into my own flat! I think it prepares you for the future because you are learning different things you need to live healthy I really like the practical and learning how to cook different foods in fast conditions Its really challenging and always busy, its my favourite subject