I. THESIS STATEMENT/ INTRODUCTION Should welfare applicants be drug tested before receiving assistance? Some think it’s a good idea and saves money, while other people think this is not the case.
II. MAIN POINT: AGAINST DRUG TESTING A.It wastes more money than it saves. 1.It gets paid for by the applicants; if they pass they get reimbursed. 2.Most applicants pass.
II. MAIN POINT: AGAINST DRUG TESTING CONT. B.The drug testing is supposed to reduce the number of drug users.
II. MAIN POINT: AGAINST DRUG TESTING CONT. C. The drug testing bills are causing lawsuits. 1.Some claim it is stereotyping to have welfare applicants get drug tested. 2.Some claim it violates the Fourth amendment.
II. MAIN POINT: AGAINST DRUG TESTING CONT. D. To pass a bill, there needs to be more study done. 1.What is done about the people who fail the drug tests? 2.What happens to the children of people who fail the drug tests?
III. MAIN POINT: FOR DRUG TESTING A.“Welfare is a privilege, not a right.” (Yee, 2012)
III. MAIN POINT: FOR DRUG TESTING CONT. B.By not drug testing, we are condoning illegal behavior.
III. MAIN POINT: FOR DRUG TESTING CONT. C.If people seeking jobs get drug tested, so should people seeking government assistance.
CONCLUSION Drug testing welfare applicants sounds like a good idea, but more consideration needs to be take before passing any laws.
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