Helps people across Scotland Confidential support provided in number of different ways Land-based occupations Last year >£480, people helped RSABI today
Based at Ingliston, Edinburgh Welfare, Development, Admin Office-based & home- based Voluntary Committees Staff & structure
Occupational requirements: agriculture (incl. crofting), forestry, fish farming, rural estate work, gamekeeping, horticulture Financial requirements: low income leading to hardship People in retirement/no longer able to work, those experiencing unexpected financial crisis and people with specific needs arising from illness injury or disability Who do we help?
How we help Annual Beneficiaries Single Grants for essential items Helpline Home Visits
Additional funds Foot and Mouth Disease Fuel Poverty Grants ( ) Weather Crisis Fund ( ) Appliance Schemes Help for Heating Fund (2014/15)
Case study
The application process Complete confidentiality Preliminary Application Form Visit by Case Officer; full application; other help Case discussed at regular Case Meeting Help offered in most appropriate way
Income/expenditure by area *Rounded to nearest 100 AreaAnnual Benefit & Grants Paid (£*) Current Number of Beneficiaries ABsSGs Central39, Tayside & Fife52, Lothian & Borders57, South West175, North East112, Highlands & Islands84,
Raising awareness Fundraising, events Corporate partnership Development
Individual Business Corporat e RSABI Supporter Scheme Alex Dunbar: RSABI Ambassador
Finding new beneficiaries Ambitious plans to increase numbers Care and corporate partnership, volunteer groups Requirement for network of local people to spread word 63% ‘word of mouth’
What the beneficiaries say… “It is really nice to know that when you are at your lowest there is someone to help” “Thank you so much – I just wish I had known about you years ago…” “What a difference in my life. I feel I am now living and not just existing.” 97% of beneficiaries say RSABI has had a huge, or big effect on their lives 94% would recommend RSABI