Lecture 35: Chapter 6 Today’s topic –I/O Overview 1
Introduction I/O devices can be characterized by –Behaviour: input, output, storage –Partner: human or machine –Data rate: bytes/sec, transfers/sec I/O bus connections 2
Dependability Fault: failure of a component –May or may not lead to system failure Service accomplishment Service delivered as specified Service interruption Deviation from specified service FailureRestoration 3
Dependability Measures Reliability: mean time to failure (MTTF) Service interruption: mean time to repair (MTTR) Mean time between failures –MTBF = MTTF + MTTR Availability = MTTF / (MTTF + MTTR) Improving Availability –Increase MTTF: fault avoidance, fault tolerance, fault forecasting –Reduce MTTR: improved tools and processes for diagnosis and repair 4
Disk Storage Nonvolatile, rotating magnetic storage 5
Disk Sectors and Access Access to a sector involves –Queuing delay if other accesses are pending –Seek: move the heads –Rotational latency –Data transfer –Controller overhead 6
Disk Access Example Given –512B sector, 15,000rpm, 4ms average seek time, 100MB/s transfer rate, 0.2ms controller overhead Average read time –4ms seek time + ½ / (15,000/60) = 2ms rotational latency / 100MB/s = 0.005ms transfer time + 0.2ms controller delay = 6.2ms If actual average seek time is 1ms –Average read time = 3.2ms 7
Typical x86 PC I/O System 8
9 Bus Design The bus is a shared resource – any device can send data on the bus (after first arbitrating for it) and all other devices can read this data off the bus The address/control signals on the bus specify the intended receiver of the message The length of the bus determines its speed (hence, a hierarchy makes sense) Buses can be synchronous (a clock determines when each operation must happen) or asynchronous (a handshaking protocol is used to co-ordinate operations)
10 Memory-Mapped I/O Each I/O device has its own special address range The CPU issues commands such as these: sw [some-data] [some-address] Usually, memory services these requests… if the address is in the I/O range, memory ignores it The data is written into some register in the appropriate I/O device – this serves as the command to the device
11 Polling Vs. Interrupt-Driven When the I/O device is ready to respond, it can send an interrupt to the CPU; the CPU stops what it was doing; the OS examines the interrupt and then reads the data produced by the I/O device (and usually stores into memory) In the polling approach, the CPU (OS) periodically checks the status of the I/O device and if the device is ready with data, the OS reads it
12 Direct Memory Access (DMA) Consider a disk read example: a block in disk is being read into memory For each word, the CPU does a lw [destination register] [I/O device address] and a sw [data in above register] [memory-address] This would take up too much of the CPU’s time – hence, the task is off-loaded to the DMA controller – the CPU informs the DMA of the range of addresses to be copied and the DMA lets the CPU know when it is done
DMA/Cache Interaction If DMA writes to a memory block that is cached –Cached copy becomes stale If write-back cache has dirty block, and DMA reads memory block –Reads stale data Need to ensure cache coherence –Flush blocks from cache if they will be used for DMA –Or use non-cacheable memory locations for I/O 13