SPICE Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis –Developed in 1970’s at Berkeley –Many commercial versions are available –Used for simulating circuits
Examples of Types of Spice Simulations Bias Point DC Sweep Parametric Sweep Transient Analysis AC sweep/Noise Temperature Monte Carlo Also nested sweep
Bias Point and DC sweep Single Operating point Output as a function of Vin Vo Vin Example Vin = 3V Bias PointResults DC SweepResults Example Vin = 0 to 3V 3V
Transient Analysis Output: a function of time Input: Time varying input (ex. Sinusoidal waveform, digital clock) t t t t
The Basic Idea SPICE Deck Text file used for simulation Schematic Entry Generate Spice Deck Simulate
What is a SPICE Deck? * mosiv.sp * * Parameters and models * include '../models/tsmc180/models.sp'.temp 70.option post * * Simulation netlist * * R_R1 VIN VOUT 2K R_R2 0 VOUT 1k R_R3 0 VOUT 3K V_V2 VIN 0 3Vdc * * Stimulus * dc V end Netlist: Describes the connectivity of a circuit Stimulus: Input signal Comments
Understanding Netlists: SPICE Elements LetterElement RResistor CCapacitor LInductor KMutual Inductor VIndependent voltage source IIndependent current source MMOSFET DDiode QBipolar transistor WLossy transmission line XSubcircuit EVoltage-controlled voltage source GVoltage-controlled current source HCurrent-controlled voltage source FCurrent-controlled current source
Units LetterUnitMagnitude aatto ffempto ppico nnano10 -9 umicro10 -6 mmili10 -3 kkilo10 3 X or Megmega10 6 ggiga10 9 Ex: 3K ohm resistor 3K, 3k, 3e+3 Not case sensitive
Netlist R_R1 VIN VOUT 2K R_R2 0 VOUT 1k R_R3 N00218 VOUT 3K R_R4 0 N K V_V2 VIN 0 3Vdc