Thuan Chau EMERGING CONTAMINANTS PHARMACEUTICALS AND PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS (PPCPs) “Contaminants of Emerging Concern” (CECs) – EPA University of Utah
Synthetic/naturally occurring chemical and microbial constituents – From municipal, agricultural, and industrial wastewater sources and pathways USGS-EPA contaminant groups: 1.Antibiotics (veterinary and human) 2.Human drugs 3.Sex and steroidal hormones 4.Industrial and household products (insecticides, detergents, fire retardants, fuels) PPCPs Emerging Contaminants
Highly water soluble and persistent ~3000 substances used as ingredients Inefficient wastewater/water treatment process – WWTPs requires 2 nd treatment options – WTPs requires nanofiltration, ultrafiltration, or powdered activated carbon (PAC) (Lead to additional transformation products) Concerns: – “Super Bugs” (bacterial resistance) – Decrease biodegradation of leaf and other plant materials – Infertility, delayed reproductive development, disrupt hormones, kidney and liver damage PPCPs Potential risk to humans and ecosystems
Current Knowledge & Focus Concentration in range of ng/L – ug/L – Under lowest observed effect concentrations Drinking water analysis (Benotti et al., ) – 51 pollutants: <10ng/L – 12ng/L Removal of PPCPs: – 25% of triclocarbon (WWTPs) – 95% of estrogen (WWTPs) Research focus: – Analytical methods development – Environmental occurrence – Sources and source pathways – Transport and fate – Ecological effects
139 streams (30 states) chemicals and 31 different drugs were found in 80% of the streams. The most common chemicals were steroids (anti-inflammatory drugs), antibiotics, nonprescription drugs, caffeine and insect repellent. USGS 1999 – 2000 USGS Toxic Substances Hydrology Program
What Need to be Address Proposed project: Determine fate and transport of PPCPs contaminants from WWTPs influent and effluent. – Analysis influent and effluent for PPCPs – Spatial analysis of PPCPs post WWTPs WWTP