Networking 2001 Washington DC April 10-12
Networking 2001 is sponsored by: American Library Association (ALA) Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Coalition for Academic Scientific Computation (CASC) Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Computing Research Association (CRA) Corporation for Research and Education Networking (CREN) EDUCAUSE Internet2
American Library Association (ALA) Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Coalition for Academic Scientific Computation (CASC) Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Computing Research Association (CRA) Corporation for Research and Education Networking (CREN) EDUCAUSE Internet2
Trends in Networking xxxx Networking as R&D –Build and operate in experimental mode –Work with R&D agencies Scale up to the academic community –Long term business models –Corporate partners –Campus policies Scale up to the world –National and global policy
New policy environment Applications with universal appeal –Web-based content, communications, entertainment, e- commerce, e-learning… –Everyone becomes a stakeholder –Large financial and social implications play out in the Washington DC policy arena Challenging role for higher education –More issues –More players
Recent examples…. Sample issues –Broadband, DMCA, ITFS spectrum, taxation, privacy, gambling, UCITA, financial aid, digital signature, digital divide, workforce, trademark, liability, filters… Sample venues –Congress, FCC, Web-based Learning Commission, Copyright office, PITAC, R&D agencies, Internet Caucus, OSTP, Fed PKI Steering Committee, associations, Ed, K12 programs, state governments
Underlying challenges Convergence –Silo clash of technology, business, and policy –National, state, local, and campus –Alliance for IT in Higher Education Disruptive innovation –We can’t get there from here though incremental change –National, state, local, and campus
This Conference Range over critical issues for the future Great expertise on the program –Take advantage of Q&A and discussions! Great expertise in the audience –Take advantage of human networking! Wireless networking available in the ballroom vicinity
Thursday Special Events 8:00-9:00 Millennium Partnership Initiative –Briefing and breakfast –Richard Harpel, NASULGC 7:30-9:00 Visits to the Hill –Talking-point briefing and breakfast –29 members are registered to visit House Science Committee staff Congressional delegations