Survey Research Best method if interested in collecting original data for describing a population too large to observe directly. Why Survey Research? Versatility – A well designed survey can enhance our understanding of just about any social issue.
Efficiency a) data can be collected from many people at relatively low cost and quickly. b) many variables can be measured without substantially increasing the time or cost. Generalizability– Survey research follows probability sampling making it possible to generalize your results to the larger population.
Omnibus Survey --covers a range of topics of interest to different social scientists What is the main limitations of an Omnibus survey?
Rules for Crafting Survey Questions 1) Choose appropriate Questions forms: a)Open ended questions (unstructured) b)Closed ended questions (structured) In your notes, write one open ended question and one closed ended question. When is it ideal to ask open ended questions?
2) Write clear and unambiguous questions. 3) Use vocabulary that respondent understands. 4) Respondents must know enough to respond 5) Have clear purpose for every question asked 6) Pay attention to contingent and filter questions 7) Use clear scales 8) Responses should be exhaustive and mutually exclusive e.g. Marijuana is no more harmful than tobacco or alcohol, so the personal use of Marijuana should be legal.
9) Avoid loaded questions 10) Don’t take emotional stand in your questions 11) Short questions are best 12) Avoid negative questions 13) Avoid Double-Barreled Questions
Questionnaire Construction Contingency questions – some questions are relevant to some but not others. Matrix questions – Here you ask several questions that have the same set of answers categories. Advantages a) use space efficiently b) respondent will find it faster to complete. c) comparability of responses given to different questions
What is the problem with this kind of questioning?
Ordering of Questionnaire Items Begin with the most interesting questions. Avoid threatening questions at the beginning. Duller, demographic data (age, gender, etc) should be placed at the end of a self administered questionnaire. But this should be reversed in an interview situation. Why?