EMODnet Chemistry 4° Steering Committee, Amsterdam Joint Survey SDN2 and EMODnet Chemistry Matteo Vinci and Alessandra Giorgetti – OGS, Italy
Joint Survey SDN2 and EMODnet Chemistry intro The Joint Survey SeaDataNet2 EMODnet Chemistry 2 is made of 7 topics and 33 questions that have been circulated using the Google form service. ( FMQcmFWb_JrUB1HI6kaKg36c7meLZCbmM/viewform?c=0&w=1&usp= mail_form_link) The online join survey has been sent the 22/10/2014 and was open until end of November Basic principles for this new survey are: Questionnaire build with one page for each topic to let the invited people to focus only on their topics of interest; Not necessary to fill all the questions to complete the survey, people must be able give feedback only in the topics that they know better; Questions with multiple choice and questions with free text. SeaDataNet2 User Panel plus people with interest in the Chemistry Lot field (total 64 persons)
The user panel 6 inside SDN (Regional Coordinators) 7 from the scientific community outside SDN Maria Louisa Silva, Tatjana Hema, Gyorgyi Gurban UNEP/MAP-MED POL; M. Pyhala, Helsinki Commission; Joni Kaitaranta, Helsinki Commission. E. Corcoran, OSPAR (NE Atlantic); V. Myroshnychenko, IMS METU (Black Sea); R. Fryer, Marine lab Scotland; M. Barbier, CIESM. 2 From Policy Makers T. Christiansen, EEA; I. Shepherd, DG-MARE.
The user panel 2 From industry or private company A. Primiero, Civil Protection; M. Fermi, ENI. 1 From education M. Ribera d'Alcala, Zoological Station Anton Dohrn. 2 From operational oceanography Stein Sandven NERSC ARTIC; Henning Wehde IMR North Sea. 2 Data manager outside Europe Z. Willis NOAA, USA; Scott Bainbridge, AIMS, Australia.
The user panel The EMODnet Chemistry Regional Leaders Mediterranean Sea: Sissy Iona, HCMR; North Sea: Martin M. Larsen, ADU; Baltic Sea: Lotta Fyrberg, SMHI; Atlantic: Antoine Huguet, IFREMER; also Julie Gatti ? Black Sea: Luminita Buga, NIMRD; Additional Stakeholders Jørgen Jensen (ICES), Theo Prins (DELTARES), Norm Green (NIVA). As the ‘hands on’ data people for providing the indicators to policy/science Constanca Belchior (EEA), Chris Moulton (OSPAR).
The user panel Representative from Regional seas projects (BALSAM in the Baltic and JMP- NS-CS for the North/Celtic seas…): BALSAM for the Baltic sea Johanna Karhu (HELCOM Secretariat) JMP-NS-CS for the North sea Lisette Enserink (RWS) IRIS-SES for the Mediterranean and Black sea Louisa Giannoudi/Kalliopi Pagou (HCMR) Plus SDN2/EMODnet Chemistry top 25 users
Some first results...
Conclusion/Proposal... Still poor number of responses The proposal is to keep open the join survey until the end of December 2014 circulating a reminder) ( FMQcmFWb_JrUB1HI6kaKg36c7meLZCbmM/viewform?c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_ link) Will have to make a report of the survey results for SDN2 within the end of January.