National Adult Inpatient Survey 2012 Presentation of survey results May /27/2015
Background and Context The CQC has published the results of the tenth survey of adult inpatients, which includes findings of 156 acute and specialist NHS trusts in England. Patients over 16 years of age, who spent at least one night in hospital, are eligible for inclusion in the survey. Croydon Health Services sampled patients in hospital in July and August 2012, achieving a response rate of 49%, which is slightly lower than the national response rate of 51%. A total of 405 out of 850 patients sampled submitted responses. More females than males returned questionnaires than the national rate, Other demographic variations from the national picture include greater ethnic diversity, and more younger respondents. 10/27/2015
What was good about your experience? 10/27/2015
What can be improved? 10/27/2015
Overall survey performance CHS worse than other Trusts on 38 questions, of which: CHS worst Trust in England on 22 questions. 10/27/2015
Leaving the hospital – discharge processes 10/27/2015
Questions significantly improved since 2011 survey 10/27/2015
Questions significantly worsened since 2011 survey 10/27/2015
Next Steps 10/27/2015
Key Areas of Focus for Improvement 10/27/ How clean was the room or ward that you were in? Patient Comments: Staff were rude and the ward was filthy, especially the floors. I think senior staff should ensure the correct cleaning is being carried out, both of the hospital equipment e.g. beds, lockers and chairs, and the floors, toilets and shower areas, leaving this to the cleaner does not work. She signed to say she had cleaned it, but had not.
Key Areas of Focus for Improvement 2. When you had important questions from a nurse did you get answers you could understand? Patient Comments: 10/27/2015
3. How much information about your condition or treatment was given to you? Patient comments: 10/27/2015 Key Areas of Focus for Improvement
4. Do you think the hospital staff did everything they could to help control your pain? Patient Comments: 10/27/2015 Key Areas of Focus for Improvement
5. Discharge planning in general Patient comments: 10/27/2015 Key Areas of Focus for Improvement On discharge I was prescribed one type of drug, only later to be told by the surgeon that I should not take it owing to potential side-effects. The ward sister's discharge arrangements were based totally on freeing up beds. I was sent home without a discharge letter and without medications. I was told to phone the ward to find out when these would be ready for collection. Gave up after phoning twice a day, for three days. I was given the discharge medication and letter for another patient. On the day of discharge the wrong medication with discharge letter received on the ward. I had to travel back to the ward next day to collect them.
Discussion questions Think about “systems” that provide these aspects of care 1.Is it important? 2.Is it acceptable? 3.Who needs to know? 4.What can be done quickly? 5.What can be done by July? 6.What needs to be done by next July? 10/27/2015