An Alumni Survey Jack Beidler Computing Science University of Scranton Scranton, PA
FIE 2002: Boston, MAWWW.CS.SCRANTON.EDU2 Assessment (Standards) 1.Measurable objectives 2.Expected Outcome 3.Documented routine collection of data applied to program assessment 4.Peroidic assessment of the extent to which program objects are met 5.Apply assessment to improve program 6.Document actions
FIE 2002: Boston, MAWWW.CS.SCRANTON.EDU3 Outcome Assessment Ongoing exit survey –24 questions –Mapped to objectives and accreditation standards –Conducted annually (less one)
FIE 2002: Boston, MAWWW.CS.SCRANTON.EDU4 Alumni Survey Three Objectives 1.Assessment information relative to the department’s accreditation. 2.Assessment information relative to the University’s general education requirement. 3.Obtain alumni opinions on the future importance of various subject areas within the computing sciences.
FIE 2002: Boston, MAWWW.CS.SCRANTON.EDU5 Alumni Survey (Objectives) Topic area 1.Educational Analysis 2.Programming Langauge Support 3.Software Concepts 4.Personal Data
FIE 2002: Boston, MAWWW.CS.SCRANTON.EDU6 Alumni Survey (Objectives) 1.Education Analysis: (11 questions) Computing curriculum and courses University General Ed. 5 point scale Comment area per question
FIE 2002: Boston, MAWWW.CS.SCRANTON.EDU7 Alumni Survey (Objectives) 2.Program Language Support This section asked alumni to evaluate the importance they perceived of various programming languages. Our goal was to get a sense of the alumni’s view of the importance of some older traditional languages as well as their thoughts regarding some of the modern languages.
FIE 2002: Boston, MAWWW.CS.SCRANTON.EDU8 Alumni Survey (Objectives) 3.Software concepts This section asked the alumni about their view of various topics ranging from such traditional topics as program correctness to modern areas, like object oriented programming and the Web.
FIE 2002: Boston, MAWWW.CS.SCRANTON.EDU9 Alumni Survey (Objectives) 4.Personal Data This section was optional. It was used to update our department’s database with contact information
FIE 2002: Boston, MAWWW.CS.SCRANTON.EDU10 Alumni Survey (Conducting) Survey on web form Postcard mailed to about 500 alumni Web form available from Jan until Mar useful responses
FIE 2002: Boston, MAWWW.CS.SCRANTON.EDU11 Alumni Survey (Observations) Combination of an answer scale and a comment areas is the right way to go. Scaled answers provide the big picture. Comments provide a wealth of information. The surprise. –Over 25% of the respondents had advanced degrees (6 Ph.D.s, 2 JDs. 21 masters)
FIE 2002: Boston, MAWWW.CS.SCRANTON.EDU12 Alumni Survey (Conclusions) Web form/postcard approach is a cost effective method of gathering information Establish objectives for conducting the survey before formulating questions Leave plenty of comment areas
FIE 2002: Boston, MAWWW.CS.SCRANTON.EDU13 Alumni Survey (Conclusions) Almost all our assessment material is on the web – follow the “Assessment” link –Exit survey and summary –Alumni survey, summary, most comments