MODULE B - PROCESS SUBMODULES B1.Organizational Structure B2.Standards Development: Roles and Responsibilities B3.Conformity Assessment: Roles and Responsibilities B4.Initiating Standards Projects B5.Consensus Process for Standards Development B6.The Basics of Parliamentary Procedure B7.The Appeals Process B8.International Standards Development B9.ASME Conformity Assessment Programs B10.Performance Based Standards
ASME C&S Training Module B2 1 REVISIONS CHANGESLIDEDATE Changed “Codes and Standards Board of Directors” to “Council on Standards and Certification” throughout. 11/22/10
B2. Standards Development: Roles and Responsibilities Volunteers and Staff
ASME C&S Training Module B2 3 OBJECTIVES This submodule will –Describe the roles and responsibilities of ASME volunteers and staff in the development of codes and standards
ASME C&S Training Module B2 4 AGENDA I.The Volunteer/Staff Partnership II.Volunteer Roles & Responsibilities III.Staff Roles & Responsibilities
ASME C&S Training Module B2 6 THE ASME PARTNERSHIP “This is a partnership of volunteers and staff. Together we are the source of ASME’s strengths. This partnership truly represents a premier society.” Keith Thayer, Past President ASME
ASME C&S Training Module B2 7 THE VOLUNTEER ROLE ASME By-Laws, Article B5.1.3 The primary role of volunteer members of boards and committees will be to –Determine policies –Develop programs –Conduct studies –Prepare reports –Advise the sector to which that board or committee reports on matters pertaining to specific assignments
ASME C&S Training Module B2 8 THE STAFF ROLE ASME By-Laws, Article B5.1.4 The primary role of staff assigned to boards and committees will be to implement actions that are required to meet the objectives of the board or committee on a continuing basis. Working under broad lines of policy established by the board or committee, the staff will –Initiate programs –Actively engage in the work –Make operating decisions necessary to carry forward the programs in a dynamic and efficient manner
ASME C&S Training Module B2 9 VOLUNTEER/STAFF ROLES – THE REALITY Governance Administration and budgets Decides what Decides how and by whom Makes policy Carries out policy Sets goals Plans to achieve goals Reviews plans Implements plans Monitors progress Volunteers Responsible Involved Staff
ASME C&S Training Module B2 11 DO YOU KNOW? 1.How is the volunteer program organized? 2.What is the role of the volunteer?
ASME C&S Training Module B2 12 DO YOU KNOW? 3.How many C&S volunteers are there? 4.What is the category of interest balance of the volunteers?
ASME C&S Training Module B2 13 DO YOU KNOW? 5.How are volunteers recruited? 6.Who makes the decisions?
ASME C&S Training Module B2 14 DO YOU KNOW? 7.How is the system of communication structured and maintained? 8.How much time is the volunteer expected to give to the organization?
ASME C&S Training Module B2 15 DO YOU KNOW? 9.How is the volunteer’s work reviewed and rewarded?
ASME C&S Training Module B2 16 RESPONSIBILITIES Standards Committee Chair Responsibilities –Facilitate meetings (Robert‘s Rules of Order) –Guide the committee members –Follow applicable procedures –Monitor process –Assignment of project team members
ASME C&S Training Module B2 17 RESPONSIBILITIES Standards Committee Member Responsibilities –Attend meetings and complete assignments –Review and comment on actions prior to consensus voting –Follow applicable procedures –Vote on proposed standards actions in a timely manner
ASME C&S Training Module B2 18 RESPONSIBILITIES Project Technical Manager Responsibilities –Assignment of project team members –Facilitate communication among project team members –Guide team members –Follow applicable procedures –Coordinate responses to comments on proposed standards actions
ASME C&S Training Module B2 19 RESPONSIBILITIES Project Administrative Manager Responsibilities (Normally ASME Staff) –Determine complexity of and prioritize items –Establish tracking/record keeping –Notify requestor of status –Distribute proposal –Oversee project for timely completion
ASME C&S Training Module B2 20 RESPONSIBILITIES Project Team Member Responsibilities –Attend meetings and complete assignments –Follow applicable procedures
ASME C&S Training Module B2 22 STAFF RESPONSIBILITIES 1.Policies and Procedures 2.Staff organization 3.Responsibility to the committees to which staff member is assigned 4.Understanding the role of the volunteer
ASME C&S Training Module B2 23 STAFF RESPONSIBILITIES Committee Responsibilities of Staff –Schedule meetings and prepare and distribute agendas and minutes –Process requests for standards actions –Process recorded votes –Receive and maintain all standards committee and subordinate group documents –Maintenance of committee membership –Correspond with interfacing organizations or individuals in the name of the standards committee –Interact with key stakeholders (e.g., industry, government) (cont’d)
ASME C&S Training Module B2 24 STAFF RESPONSIBILITIES Committee Responsibilities of Staff (cont’d) –Handle technical interpretations –Timing of submittals for publication –Coordinate approval of contractual agreements –Seek new opportunities for C&S products Support staff –C&S Administrative –ASME Services
ASME C&S Training Module B2 25 SUMMARY I.The Volunteer/Staff Partnership II.Volunteer Roles & Responsibilities III.Staff Roles & Responsibilities
ASME C&S Training Module B2 26 REFERENCES –Council on Standards and Certification Procedures pdf –Assignment of Duties to the Council on Standards and Certification by the Board of Governors –Standards Committee Procedures –Supervisory Board Procedures –Participating on ASME Codes and Standards Committees pating_Codes_Standards.cfm