Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 1 Simulation of the Hello World Application for the Field-programmable Port Extender (FPX) John W. Lockwood, Washington University, Applied Research Lab Spring 2001 Gigabit Kits Workshop Supported by NSF-ANI and Xilinx Corp
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 2 The HelloWorld Testbench –Visit –Download HelloWorld Testbench Right-click on HelloTestbench.tar Save Target in: D:\fpx\ –Access Files in Cygwin Bash Shell Start > Programs > Cygwin > Bash cd /cygdrive/d/fpx/ tar xvf HelloTestbench.tar cd HelloTestbench.tar ls
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 3 Problem Statement General Statement –“Implement a plug-in module that monitors a traffic flow. For cells with payloads that begin with “Hello”, have the module replace the following bytes with “World”. Details –Scan Flows on VCI=5 –Match the content of the cell for the “HELLO” ASCII: “HELLO” Hex: 48 – 45 – 4C – 4C – 4F Binary: 0100, , , , ,1111 –Replace following contents with “WORLD.” ASCII “WORLD.” Hex: 57 – 4F – 52 – 4C – 44 – 2E Binary: 0101,0111 – 0100,1111 – 0101,0010 – 0100,1100 – 0100,0100 – 0010,1110
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 4 “Hello, World” Module Function
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 5 Case 1: Mismatched VCI Only process Cells on the selected VCI –All other flows should pass unchanged
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 6 Case 2: Mismatched Source String Cell payload must contain “HELLO” in payload. –“MELLO” “HELLO”
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 7 Case 3: Mismatched Source String [word 2] Payload must match over entire string. –Data arrives as streaming words
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 8 Logical Implementation VCI Match Append “WORLD” to payload New Cell
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 9 Manifest of Files in HelloTestbench.tar File: – Contains: –README.txt: General Information –Makefile: Build and complile programs –TESTCELL.DAT: Cells written into simulation (Hex) –CELLSOUT.DAT: Data written out from simulation –Hex.txt: HEX/ASCII Table –fake_NID_in.vhd: Utilities to save cells to file –fake_NID_out.vhd: Utility to read cells from file –top.vhd: Top level design –helloworld.vhd: Top-level helloworld design –pins.ucf: Pin mapping for RAD FPGA
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 10 Module Implementation D_MOD_IN[31:0]D_MOD_OUT[31:0] SOC_MOD_OUTSOC_MOD_IN TCA_MOD_INTCA_MOD_OUT SRAM_D_OUT[35:0] SRAM_ADDR[17:0] SRAM_RW SRAM_REQSRAM_GR SRAM_D_IN[35:0] SDRAM_DATA[63:0] SRAM_ADDR[17:0] SRAM_RW SDRAM_REQSDRAM_GR SDRAM_DATA[63:0] CLK RESET_L ENABLE_LREADY_L Data Interface SRAM Interface SDRAM Interface Module Interface Module Logic X X X X
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 11 Hello, World Entity NID RAD
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 12 top TestBench configuration NID_Out NID_In HelloWorld TESTCELL.DAT CELLSOUT.DAT soc Data tcaff soc Data tcaff Clk Reset
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 13 Contents of TESTCELL.DAT wait__10 Pause before sending cell new_cell Indicate Beginning of cell a Cell Header = { VPI[12]:VCI[16]:PT[4] } 00FFFFFF Cell Header = { HEC[8]:Pad[24] } 48454C4C Payload [ 48 Bytes ] 4F FFFF wait__10 Pause before sending cell
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 14 Source: Architecture -- Hello World: Sample FPX Application -- Operates as Ingress (switch-side) cell processor of RAD -- Copyright: July 2000, John Lockwood, David Lim -- Washington University, Applied Research Lab architecture Hello_arch of HelloWorld is type state_type is (rst, dout, hell_check, o_check, world);... signal state, nx_state : state_type; signal counter, nx_counter : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); signal CEN, nx_CEN : std_logic; signal BData_Out : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); signal BData_in : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); signal BSOC_In : std_logic; signal BTCA_In : std_logic; signal BSOC_Out : std_logic; signal BTCA_Out : std_logic; signal clkin : std_logic;
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 15 Source: Cell Counter counter_process: process (CEN, counter) begin if CEN = '0' then nx_counter <= "0001"; else nx_counter <= unsigned (counter) + 1; end if; end process;
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 16 Source: State transitions -- State Transitions state_machine_process: process (BSOC_In, state, counter, BData_In, rad_reset, CEN) begin if ( rad_reset = '1' ) then nx_state <= rst; nx_CEN <= '0'; elsif ( BSOC_In = '1' and BData_In(19 downto 4) = " " ) then -- checks to see if VCI = 5, if so: next check payload nx_state <= hell_check; nx_CEN <= '1'; elsif ( BSOC_In = '1' and BData_In(19 downto 4) /= " " ) then -- VCI != 5 nx_state <= dout; nx_CEN <= '1';...
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 17 Source: Output Data -- Upper 16-bits of Data Output DataOut_31downto16_process: process (clkin) begin if clkin'event and clkin = '1' then -- checks to see if the intput data has the letter "O”… if ( state = o_check and BData_In(31 downto 24) =" " ) then -- writes out "O " for the higher two bytes of the output BData_Out(31 downto 16) <= " "; -- ("O ") elsif ( state = world and counter = "0100" ) then BData_Out(31 downto 16) <= " "; -- ("RL")... elsif ( state = dout or state=hell_check or BSOC_In = '1' ) then BData_Out(31 downto 16) <= BData_In(31 downto 16);
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 18 Source: Next State Assignments BData_Out_process: process (clkin) begin -- buffer signal assignments: if clkin'event and clkin = '1' then d_sw_rad <= BData_Out; -- (Data_Out = d_sw_rad) BData_in <= d_sw_nid; -- (Data_In = d_sw_nid) BSOC_In <= soc_sw_nid; -- (SOC_In = soc_sw_nid) BSOC_Out <= BSOC_In; BTCA_In <= tcaff_sw_nid; -- (TCA_In = tcaff_sw_nid) BTCA_Out <= BTCA_In;... counter <= nx_counter; -- next state assignments... state <= nx_state; -- next state assignments:
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 19 Simulation Make newsim –First step Make comp –Compile all VHD designs Make sim –Simulate top-level design –Add wave * –Run 2000 –Right-click on din, dout : Set Radix to ASCII
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 20 Viewing Signals with Modelsim Display top-level signals –[Modelsim window] Add Wave * Display components –[View menu] > Structure Select component –Click on: helloworld [hello_arch] View signals on that component –[View menu] > signals Select signals to view –[Signals View menu] > Wave > Signals in design Run simulation –[Modelsim window] > run 2000
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 21 Hex / ASCII Table [See your Handout!] "Hex.txt" 34 lines, 1776 characters Hx Symbol (Function) Hx Char Hx Char Hx Char NUL (null) 20 SPACE 60 ` 01 SOH (start of head) 21 ! 41 A 61 a 02 STX (start of text) 22 " 42 B 62 b 03 ETX (end of text) 23 # 43 C 63 c 04 EOT (end of trans) 24 $ 44 D 64 d 05 ENQ (enquiry) 25 % 45 E 65 e 06 ACK (acknowledge) 26 & 46 F 66 f 07 BEL (bell) 27 ' 47 G 67 g 08 BS (backspace) 28 ( 48 H 68 h 09 TAB (horizontal tab) 29 ) 49 I 69 i 0A LF (line feed) 2A * 4A J 6A j 0B VT (vertical tab) 2B + 4B K 6B k 0C FF (form feed) 2C, 4C L 6C l 0D CR (carriage ret) 2D - 4D M 6D m 0E SO (shift out) 2E. 4E N 6E n 0F SI (shift in) 2F / 4F O 6F o 10 DLE (escape) P 70 p 11 DC1 (devcontrol 1) Q 71 q 12 DC2 (devcontrol 2) R 72 r 13 DC3 (devcontrol 3) S 73 s 14 DC4 (devcontrol 4) T 74 t 15 NAK (nak) U 75 u 16 SYN (synch idle) V 76 v 17 ETB (end of block) W 77 w 18 CAN (cancel) X 78 x 19 EM (end of medium) Y 79 y 1A SUB (substitute) 3A : 5A Z 7A z 1B ESC (escape) 3B ; 5B [ 7B { 1C FS (file separator) 3C < 5C \ 7C | 1D GS (group sep) 3D = 5D ] 7D } 1E RS (record sep) 3E > 5E ^ 7E ~ 1F US (unit sep) 3F ? 5F _ 7F DEL
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 22 Exercises Simulate cell on VCI=5 with content: “HELLO” –Process first cell in TESTCELL.DAT Simulate cell on VCI=6 with content: “HELLO” Simulate cell on VCI=5 with content: “MELLO” Modify the simulation input to inject cell with “YELLOW” (sp) Modify state machine to search for “YELLOW”
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 23 Implementation [Homework] Front-end Synthesis –Map VHDL constructs into LUTs –Tools FPGA Express (Xilinx Alliance) Synplicity More.. Back-end Tools –Xilinx Place Route Bitgen
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 24 FPGA: Design Flow Application groups develop RAD module –Compile of Architecture –Synthesize into LUT functions –Route and place into CLB Array –Verify timing of circuit to 100 MHz Xilinx file to FPX FPGA Download Xilinx bit VHDL Design Synplicity Logical Simulation Verification Timing EDIFVHDLBIT
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 25 I/O Definitions (Pins.UCF) ## Start of Cell NET soc_sw_rad LOC=D27; NET soc_sw_nid LOC=A32; ## TCA NET tcaff_sw_nid LOC=B26; NET tcaff_sw_rad LOC=D39; ## clock NET rad_clk LOC=AW19; ## Reset NET rad_reset LOC=B30; ## File: rad.ucf ## Backend constraints file for ## RAD FPGA ## Switch (SW) Side Module ## DataIn (Linecard interface, from NID) NET d_sw_nid(0) LOC=B31; NET d_sw_nid(1) LOC=C31; NET d_sw_nid(2) LOC=C32; … (see paper) … ## DataOut (Linecard interface, from RAD) NET d_sw_rad(0) LOC=B20; NET d_sw_rad(1) LOC=B21; NET d_sw_rad(2) LOC=E22; … (see paper)...
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 26 Hello, World – Silicon Layout View
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 27 FPGA Routing and Placement Detail Silicon Process –Highly regular Configurable Logic Block (CLB) Two slices/CLB Two LUTs/slice –Dense routing Between modules GRM Short lines Long Lines Reprogrammable –SRAM –Pass Transistors
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 28 Post-Synthesis Signal Timing –Start_of_cell (SOC): Buffered across Edge flops –data_in : VCI=5, Payload=“HELLOEEO…” –data_out : “HELLO WORLD.”
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 29 Results: Performance Operating Frequency: 119 MHz. –8.4ns critical path Well within the 10ns period RAD's clock. Targeted to RAD’s V1000E-FG680-7 Maximum packet processing rate: –7.1 Million packets per second. (100 MHz)/(14 Clocks/Cell) Circuit handles back-to-back packets
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 30 Results: Chip Utilization Slice utilization: –1% (49/12,288 slices) Details –Edge Flops: DataIn + DataOut + SOCs + TCAs = = 68 –Internal Flops : BufferedData + SOCs + TCAs + state + counter = =42
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 31 Conclusions "Hello World” Illustrates: –Example of simple hardware module implemented on the the RAD. –Starting point for new application development. FPX provides –Simple and efficient platform to implement certain types of cell and packet processing operations. Hardware handles 7.1 Million packets/second –Software Functions: Should be done on SPC Interesting Ideas for Future Work –Hardware/software co-design Example: Send matching packets to software for processing.
Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) 32 “Hello, World” References FPX Homepage – Hello World Handout –John Lockwood, David Lim, "Hello World: A simple application for the Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX), Washington University, Department of Computer Science, Technical Report WUCS-00-12, July 11, – Hello World Testbench – FPX Tool Environment –