Mahanagar Palika 1 Panchyat Samiti 16 Talukas 16 Grampanchyat 1311 Mahsul Up- vibhag 8 Nagar Parishad 12 Nagar Panchyat 2 Zilla Parishad 1 Local Bodies
DISTRICT PROFILE- NANDED Area10,422 square Km Population33,56,566 Density of population319 per km square Literacy rate76.94 Human Development Index 0.37
Towards Vision 2030
STRENGHTHS Centrally located and connected by all transportation means. Climate suitable for agriculture & horticulture activities. Black cotton soil for Cotton. Agribusiness. Historical, religious & spiritual importance for tourist attraction. Educational Institutions WEAKNESS Inadequate market infrastructure Unplanned urbanization Irrigation infrastructure Low HDI i.e Degraded forest. Low industrial development Inadequate & unreliability of power. OPPORTUNITIES Textile policy, Industrial policy, Tourism policy to boost up the district income. Agriculture allied industries development. Funds under BRGF. SME ‘s under agriculture. Dedicated freight corridor connectivity. Upcoming mega circuit tourism project and other projects of various Govt. Agencies. THREATS Non completion of irrigation projects. Migration from rural areas. Stringent forest & environment laws. Low budget allocation. Non adequate support agriculture promotion. SWOT Analysis- Nanded District
MISSION Comprehensive Plan aims at an average growth rate in Net District Product of 14.50% and 20% projected by the 13th Finance Commission at current prices and vision period respectively
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