Cognitive \ Behavioural Learning Theory Experience physically changes the structure of the nervous system, altering neural circuits that participate in perceiving, performing, thinking, planning and reward. Four Forms of Learning Perceptual Learning Stimulus / response learning Motor learning Relational learning~
Cognitive \ Behavioural Stimulus Response Learning Based on principles of classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Classical Conditioning Also termed associative learning or respondent conditioning “Teaching a response to a new stimulus by pairing that stimulus with another stimulus that elicits that response”– Martin & Pear S1S1 R S2S2
Cognitive \ Behavioural Operant Conditioning Also termed instrumental conditioning “The process of strengthening a behaviour by reinforcing it or weakening a behaviour by punishing it” Martin & Pear ASE Antecedent Stimulus Event B Behaviour CSE Consequence Stimulus Event
Cognitive \ Behavioural Principles Positive reinforcement Negative reinforcement Extinction Punishment~
Cognitive \ Behavioural Positive Reinforcement Strengthening a behaviour by immediately following it with a reward B B R Negative Reinforcement Strengthening a behaviour by immediately following it with the removal or avoidance of something the person doesn’t like B - R B
Cognitive \ Behavioural Extinction Weakening a behaviour by withholding a known positive reinforcer. Punishment Weakening of a behaviour by following it with an aversive CSE ( Consequent stimulus event).~