I. What is Learned Behavior A. Learning- Anytime a change in behavior takes place through practice or experience. 1. The more complex the animal’s brain the more capable of learning it is
I. What is Learned Behavior 2. Learning allows animals to adapt and survive better
II. Kinds of Learned Behavior RING EXAMPLE A. Habituation- Animal does not respond to a stimulus that it is given repeatedly without punishment or reward 1. It gets used to it and doesn’t care anymore
II. Kinds of Learned Behavior BOTTLE CALF EXAMPLE B. Imprinting- Forming a social attachment to another object early in life. 1. Usually the mother 2. Usually irreversible 3. Ex: Baby ducks
II. Kinds of Learned Behavior RIDING A BIKE C. Trial & Error- Trying one solution and then another in the course of trying to obtain an award 1. Learn from successes and mistakes to get better
II. Kinds of Learned Behavior 2. Motivation- Internal need that causes the animal to act a. Necessary for learning to take place b. Usually involves satisfying a need
II. Kinds of Learned Behavior D. Classical Conditioning- Learning by associating a stimulus with a reward or punishment 1. Pavlov’s Dogs Pavlov was able to link salivation the ringing of a bell
II. Kinds of Learned Behavior 2. Rueben’s underground fence 3. Use conditioning to teach your pet a new trick for points!!!
II. Kinds of Learned Behavior E. Insight- Learning in which the an animal uses previous experience to solve a new problem 1. Most complex type of learning
II. Kinds of Learned Behavior 2. Ex: Math (First you learn to count, then add, then multiply, then divide).
III. The Role of Communication A. Communication- An exchange of information that causes a change of behavior 1. Animals use sounds, sights, touches and smells 2. Ex: A cricket’s song tells his location, sex, species, etc
III. The Role of Communication 3. Language- The use of symbols to represent ideas a. Usually present in animals with complex brains
The End