1 Practical Aspects of Understanding & Implementing an Effective Safety Culture Reminder overview
2 Aspects for consideration: Session structure What is an effective safety culture? How do we know what we’ve got? How do we know what to change? How do we introduce & consolidate change?
3 What is an effective safety culture? Multiple definitions - expectation & support of safety behaviours Accident & incident rates relatively Good safety climate survey scores Adult environment, with safe option the automatic response
4 How do we know what we’ve got? Corporate culture is the parent Espoused values In-practice values Identify norm practices & supports Consider multi-method approaches
5 How do we know what to change? Problem behaviours & safety obstacles But safety issues are not simple and simple answers rarely apply Identification of an obstacle doesn’t necessarily identify appropriate remedial action Effectiveness, acceptance, & realism all need consideration
6 How can we optimise change acceptance Maximise participation Make immediate and longer term strategies Establish monitored pilot period & support mechanisms Analyse monitoring data & feedback Begin flexibly & in culture congruent ways
7 How can we consolidate change? Essentially, conditioning Backs are for patting as well as stabbing Increase perceptions of detection Be consistent in the application of disciplinary sanctions Practice what is preached Monitor, evaluate & feedback
8 So To understand culture we need as much data as possible To evaluate effectiveness we need appropriate criterion measures Effective interventions are realistic Participation increases ownership Reward as well as condemn Walk the walk