ExodusExodus Fickle People – Steadfast God Lesson 12 – The Story of Exodus…What’s the Point?
Recap Joseph’s faithful service rewarded, in part, by God providing Jacob’s descendants a home Israelites enter a period ‘in the wilderness’ via enslavement by Egyptians A mother’s love saves her child…and contributes to the salvation of a nation Moses obediently answers God’s call…and contributes to the salvation of a nation
Recap (2) God’s power over all things demonstrated to Israel, the Egyptians, and to the world God’s saving of the Israelites foreshadowed His ultimate plan of salvation for all people Paradigm established for Man’s relationship with God Foundation established for personal ethics and morality, and socio-civic order
Takeaways Exodus provides historical and archeological evidences that should lead us to accept scripture for what it is: accurate and true Provides insight into the enduring nature of Man – Various shortcomings, to include worry, fear, fixation on immediate interests, fickle approach to life, self-centeredness, arrogance, stiff-necked/obstinate – But also…loving, courageous, compassionate for others, faithful, loyal, able to endure, longing for leadership (often unspoken) – Provides context for why mechanisms are needed to discipline ourselves in our behaviors, to assist in remembering what God has done for His people…and why
Takeaways (2) Provides insight into the enduring nature of God – His will and plan will always be accomplished…often in unlikely, unusual, or counterintuitive ways – He works in His own time – He has mastery over all things: nature, cultures, social orders, the desires of Man, life and death – He always provides…and those who trust in His provision do well in a multitude of ways…but this doesn’t mean without trials or suffering the injustices of life – Reminder that God is patient and tolerant…but only to a point There is a comprehensive to scripture that is breathtaking – It captures the totality of Man and shows the nature of God – It has a completeness to it that should lead to confidence in and reliance on it
Takeaways (3) Times of adversity bear extraordinary fruit – Shared adversity creates bonds unlike any other – Such experiences: are lasting, create opportunities for circumspection, can generate profound insights that lead to wisdom (a rather rare thing) Time in the wilderness really does build character…or it can if approached with the proper attitude – Depends on how one decides to use and appreciate it – Depends on to whom one turns when dealing with it
Takeaways (4) The importance of steadfastness in faith, of living with perseverance, honor, and courage The importance of truly trusting in God Acknowledgement of God as the absolute power, the ultimate authority, deserving of worship without caveat or exception
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