Welcome to 6 th Grade Science! My goal: to provide a delightful, engaging, academically rigorous and rewarding experience for your child Please take a pink questionnaire from the desk by the front sink and return it at your convenience. Mrs. Beth Topinka, room 811
We’re off to a great start! Eager, cheerful, curious students with positive attitudes Comfortable with daily routine: do-now, lesson, group and partner activities Supportive administration & community iPad initiative PTSA MTFEE
New this Year Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) Design & test wind turbine blades Reverse engineering – how do Ziploc bags and clothing zippers work? Emphasis on iterative design Opportunity to redesign, test, improve STEM activities foster positive character traits Grit, perseverance, resourcefulness, optimism, curiosity
Interdisciplinary Example: Reflectivity of Light Lessons Students use Labquest computers and light sensors to investigate how different colors reflect light Collect, record, and graph data Interpret findings Apply findings to a real-life situation – choice of Halloween costume colors. Communicate results in an expository essay
How to Help Your Child Study together for weekly do-now quizzes Have conversations about what we’re learning in science. Look through the science binder, make sure all numbered handouts are in order and complete, ask your child to tell you about something he or she has learned. Check my school webpage for upcoming quizzes/tests, daily do-now questions, list of binder items Study guides given out 1 week before tests
Grades are posted on the Power School Parent Portal – please check often! Grading: point system Points earned points available Weekly Do Now Quizzes: points Tests: points Labs/Projects: points Grading
How to Reach Me Phone: ext
How to help our class Please look over our class wish list Contributions are welcome at any time throughout the year Thank you!