Ancient Egyptians By Georgia & Sophie w
How many pyramids do you think there are in egypt? There is 138 pyramids in egypt They have to use over 5000 bricks to build a pyramid. How many years do you think it takes to build a pyramid? It takes 20 years to build 1 single pyramid
Ancient Egyptians The first Egyptians came to life next to the Nile over 200,000 years ago. There is over million people in Egypt
Ancient Egyptians clothing The Egyptians wore clothes made from linen. men wore wrap around skirts made from Linen.women wore full length strait dresses. Here is a picture of what they were
EGYPTIANS GODS Nut is the goddess of the sky, her body arches across the sky. Thoth is the god of writing and knowledge he also has the head of an ibis.Ra is the god of the son and the most important because he is the king of all gods also has the head of a Halk.