Play, Live, Be… Tobacco-Free! Creating healthy, tobacco-free communities together Waterloo Region Active Living Network September 16, 2010
An International Movement Smoke-Free Soccer 2001 WHO World No Tobacco Day 2002 Smoke-Free International Sports Events Smoke-Free Olympics Growing movement around the world!
Why TFSR in Ontario? Tobacco use is the single most significant cause of preventable disease and death in Canada. An estimated 2,223 people died from smoking in Waterloo Region between 2000 and (roughly the population of the Town of Wellesley)
Partners Include... Tobacco Coordinating Area Networks (TCANs) across the province Local Public Health Units Youth engagement groups Coaches’ Association of Ontario SPORT4ONTARIO Ministry of Health Promotion & Sport Local Community Partners
Chew Tobacco
Tobacco-free Sports & Recreation means that no one – including volunteers and spectators – smokes, dips, snuffs or chews tobacco while engaging in any activity related to the sport or recreation activity.
Reasons to go tobacco-free Prevent youth from starting to use tobacco products Give everyone a chance to play and perform at their best Protect children Help people to quit Keep our parks and fields clean
"A place to play, not an ash tray"
Existing smoking restrictions in Waterloo Region Smoke-free Ontario Act Region of Waterloo Smoke-free By-law City Smoking Policies Sports leagues/teams
Play, Live, Be… Tobacco-Free 2010 Grants – Round 3 to create, promote, enforce and/or sustain an effective Tobacco-Free policy
What’s involved 1.Raise awareness and engage your members 2.Develop a policy that will work for your organization 3.Communication and education 4.Continue to reinforce 5.Have clear enforcement protocols
Call to Action Determine your organization’s position Educate yourself & others Support TFSR in your community / organization Develop a TFSR policy
For more information and further assistance go to: smoking Tobacco Information Line: 519–