Lawrence School English As A Second Language (ESOL) Program
Nationalities 19 children are identified as eligible for the ESOL program. How many countries are represented?
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YES!!! 11 Countries are represented at Lawrence School Let’s see what countries they are!
Countries Saudia Arabia Bosnia ChinaChinaWhich country IndiaIndiahas the most CambodiaCambodia students?? Poland The Ukraine Russia Puerto Rico Ghana Vietnam
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YES!!! Poland has the most speakers: 4 All the others have 2 speakers except for China, India, Russia, Cambodia, & Ghana; they have only 1 speaker.
LANGUAGES Our students speak: Arabic Hindi Bosnian Bosnian PolishPolish Chinese Chinese RussianRussian VietnameseVietnamese UkrainianUkrainian Khmer Spanish Twe Click on a language to see what country!! Next
Saudi Arabia Go Back To Languages
Poland Go Back To Languages
Bosnia Go Back To Languages
China Go Back To Languages
Vietnam Go Back To Languages
Russia Go Back To Languages
The Ukraine Go Back To Languages
Cambodia Go Back To Languages
Puerto Rico Go Back To Languages
India Go Back To Languages
Ghana Go Back To Languages
Eligibility Children are eligible for the ESOL program by: Ethnicity of last name Three questions asked Teacher recommendation Parent wishes (Click on the above to see how children are eligible to be considered for the ESOL program)
Ethnicity of last name Sorry!! We do NOT look at a child’s or parent’s last name for ESOL eligibility (Return to Eligibility)
Parent Wishes Sorry!! If a parent requests it, we will test for eligibility. Again, the program is only for non-native speakers of English. (Return to Eligibility)
Teacher Recommendation Sorry!! The ESOL program is strictly for those children whose native language is NOT English. (Return to Eligibility)
Three questions asked Yes!! Children are eligible to join the ESOL program by having their parents answer some key questions: What language did the child learn first? What language does the child speak to you? In what language do you speak to your child? If two of the three answers are languages other than English, the child will then be tested for eligibility for the ESOL program.
What A GREAT JOB You Did!! The children salute you!!
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