The Experience of Teaching New Immigrants in Tallinn Lillekyla Gymnasium
Tallinn Lillekyla Gymnasium The schoolhouse was built in 1975 We have 801 students and 59 teachers Environmental education, media and languages are our directions in education School`s homepage:
Estonian Educational System Compulsory education starts at the age of seven Forms Preschool Forms 5-9 – Basic school (national examinations) After graduating from basic school students can go to gymnasium or vocational school Tallinna Lilleküla Gümnaasium
Estonian Educational System Form Gymnasium (national examinations) We have all 3 levels. Our students are between the ages of seven and nineteen. Tallinna Lilleküla Gümnaasium
Estonian Schools - Background Information There are Estonian and Russian-medium schools in Estonia The aim is to gradually switch to Estonian language subject study (Forms 10-12) Hence the reason why parents of Russian nationality want to put their children into Estonian language based schools We have the experience of teaching Russian students
New Immigrants After joining the EU students from different nationalities have started to come to Estonian schools. Our school has been one of the first in Estonia to take the so-called new immigrants.
Multicultural School Currently we have 23 foreign students –12 students from Italy –2 students from the USA –2 students from South Africa –As well as from Egypt, the Netherlands, Lithuania and Brazil We have 34 students from Russian speaking families Also we have students from different mixed families –Estonian-Finnish –Estonian-Norwegian –Estonian-Nigerian
The First Years Estonian schools were not ready for these students Lack of educational resources Teachers` lack of knowledge teaching this kind of students Schools tried to turn away these students (some still do) Commotion in school!
Present Situation We still do not have a nationwide system (every school invents its own “wheel”) Laws have been improved (examinations, graduation etc.) Funding model has been worked out Teachers have been schooled in that department of knowledge Tallinna Lilleküla Gümnaasium
What to We do When We Get a Foreign Student? Thorough talk with the family –Introduction of our educational system –Expectations –Perspectives (for how long, with what goal?) Notify the school If necessary we evaluate the level of language skills Draw up a special plan (teaching model,individual curriculum, support systems) If needed native tongue and cultural studies (10 students) Support systems are applied for three years (new immigrant status)
Teaching Models We have used two teaching models: 1.Student attends classes with her classmates (arrival of few students) 2. Ajustment class – focus on learning the language,gradually attends classes with her classmates
Support Systems In our school we have Psychologist Teacher’s assistant Teacher, who helps with the spelling Teacher for teaching Estonian as a foreign language We also use assistant students
Additional Activities Most of the students take part in interest groups,go to music schools and sports schools Educational trips within Estonia Educational visits to the Old Town,theatre and library Days about different countries Information boards
Our Experiences Students who speak English are harder to teach The language does not just stick to one, it has to be tought Psychologist believes that there should not be more that 10% of foreign speaking students in a class Religion has not caused any problems among students (according to a study our students are more indifferent to religion than students in other schools) Families are very thoughtful and supportive
Advantages and... Enriches the school culture New experience for the teachers and students The school and the Estonian educational system are put to the test
…disadvantages We do not know exactly how much they understand. They try to hide behind it. It means extra work for the teachers We have no certain idea of what level of knowledge they should gain
Lastly... I really liked a story of a little Italian girl, who told me that she has two hearts.She has an Estonian heart at school and and Italian heart at home. We try to do everything in our power to see that these little hearts would not get hurt and would be happy!