Cost Estimation
Problem Our ability to realistically plan and schedule projects depends on our ability to estimate project costs and development efforts In order to come up with a reliable cost estimate, we need to have a firm grasp on the requirements, as well as our approach to meeting them Typically costs need to be estimated before these are fully understood
Estimating uncertainty Boehm 1981
What are project costs? For most software projects, costs are: Hardware Costs Travel & Training costs Effort costs
What are effort costs? Effort costs typically largest of the 3 types of costs, and the most difficult to estimate. Effort costs include: –Developer hours –Heating, power, space –Support staff; accountants, administrators, cleaners, management –Networking and communication infrastructure –Central facilities such as rec room & library –Social security and employee benefits
Effort cost estimation - Overhead Everything other than salaries OSU example: –45% for benefits –46% for “indirect” costs (space, infrastructure etc) calculated on top of everything else $1,000 +benefits ($450) + infrastructure ($667) = $2,117
Software cost estimation – Boehm (1981) Algorithmic cost modeling –Base estimate on project size (lines of code) Expert judgment –Ask others Estimation by analogy –Cost based on experience with similar projects Parkinson’s Law –Project time will expand to fill time available Pricing to win –Cost will be whatever customer is willing to pay Top-down estimation –Estimation based on function/object points Bottom-up estimation –Estimation based on components
Aggravating & mitigating factors Market opportunity Uncertainty/risks Contractual terms Requirements volatility Financial health Opportunity costs
Cost drivers Software reliability Size of application database Complexity Analyst capability Software engineering capability Applications experience Virtual machine experience Programming language expertise Performance requirements Memory constraints Volatility of virtual machine Environment Turnaround time Use of software tools Application of software engineering methods Required development schedule
Productivity metrics Lines of code –Simple, but not very meaningful metric –Easy to pad, affected by prog language –How to count revisions/debugging etc? Function points –Amount of useful code produced (goals/requirements met) –Less volatile, more meaningful, not perfect
Function points Function points are computed by first calculating an unadjusted function point count (UFC). Counts are made for the following categories (Fenton, 1997): –External inputs – those items provided by the user that describe distinct application-oriented data (such as file names and menu selections) –External outputs – those items provided to the user that generate distinct application-oriented data (such as reports and messages, rather than the individual components of these) –External inquiries – interactive inputs requiring a response –External files – machine-readable interfaces to other systems –Internal files – logical master files in the system Each of these is then assessed for complexity and given a weighting from 3 (for simple external inputs) to 15 (for complex internal files).
Unadjusted Function Point Count (UFC) Weighting Factor ItemSimpleAverageComplex External inputs346 External outputs457 External inquiries346 External files71015 Internal files5710 Each count is multiplied by its corresponding complexity weight and the results are summed to provide the UFC
Object points Similar to function points (used to estimate projects based heavily on reuse, scripting and adaptation of existing tools) Number of screens (simple x1, complex x2, difficult x3) Number of reports (simple x2, complex x5, difficult x8) Number of custom modules written in languages like Java/C x10
Function points -> Lines of code LOC/Function point in assembly Multiplication factor by language Programmer productivity? LOC/month!
COCOMO II Model Supports spiral model of development Supports component composition, reuse, customization 4 sub-models: –Application composition model – assumes system written with components, used for prototypes, development using scripts, db’s etc (object points) –Early design model – After requirements, used during early stages of design (function points) –Reuse model – Integrating and adapting reusable components (LOC) –Post architecture model – More accurate method, once architecture has been designed (LOC)
Application composition model Used primarily to estimate cost of prototyping efforts PM = (Application points x(1-%reuse/100)/ productivity Productivity estimates from 4-50 object points/month, depending on experience and the availability/maturity of tools
Early Design Model Used once requirements are agreed to get going on an architectural design PM=2.94 x Size^B x M B= M=Proj characteristics
Reuse model PM = (LOC needing to be adjusted X % auto-generated)/productivity Productivity ~ 2,400 LOC/Month
Post-Architectural Model Organic projects - relatively small, simple projects with small teams and good application experience to less than rigid requirements. (A=2.4, B=1.05) Semi-detached projects - intermediate (in size and complexity) projects with mixed experience teams and a mix of requirements. (A=3.0, B=1.12) Embedded projects - software projects that must be developed within a set of tight hardware, software, and operational constraints. (A=3.6, B=1.20) PM=A x Size^B x M