1 Councillors and smokefree outdoor places July 2008 George Thomson, Sharon Tay Nick Wilson Department of Public Health, University of Otago, Wellington
2 Introduction Outdoor smokefree laws for Outdoor smokefree laws for streets, parks, playgrounds and/or beaches: streets, parks, playgrounds and/or beaches: California, Washington state, 300+ US cities Hong Kong, Singapore Australian local councils, Queensland 11 plus New Zealand district 11 plus New Zealand district councils have educational councils have educational policies, including Upper Hutt policies, including Upper Hutt
3 Aim To explore the knowledge of and attitudes to outdoor smokefree policies by city councillors in the Wellington regionMethod Out of 39 councillors in Lower Hutt, Porirua and Wellington cities, interviews were conducted with 21 councillors (54%) during November-December 2007.
4 Results Low awareness of issues and examples: Minority (8/21) councillors knew of any outdoor smokefree places Minority (8/21) councillors knew of any outdoor smokefree places Fewer (4/21) knew of U Hutt policy Fewer (4/21) knew of U Hutt policy Unaware of public support surveys Unaware of public support surveys
5 Attitudes Highest support for smokefree playgrounds and sports facilities Highest support for smokefree playgrounds and sports facilities Most saw issues of practicality, compared to alcohol free areas Most saw issues of practicality, compared to alcohol free areas Enforcement Costs Low council priority
6 Perceived impacts of outdoor smoking
7 Councillors’ suggestions to get progress Making public aware of examples and advantages Making public aware of examples and advantages Highlighting effects for children Highlighting effects for children Evidence of public support Evidence of public support Start with playgrounds and Start with playgrounds and sports facilities sports facilities
8 Conclusions Need for communication about successful outdoor smokefree areas Need for communication about successful outdoor smokefree areas Emergence of ‘example to children’ as a policy driver Emergence of ‘example to children’ as a policy driver Enduring strength of Enduring strength of litter/‘dirt’ as a policy litter/‘dirt’ as a policy driver driver
9 see: Tay S, Thomson G. What Wellington region city councillors think of smokefree outdoor places. NZ Med J: 2008;121:15-28