EIA for the proposed Desalination Plant North of Swakopmund: Social Impact Assessment
Preliminary Socio-Economic Issues to be addressed: IssuesDescription Sustainability Risks Key Drivers – overexploitation/increased demand Depend on fortunes of Uranium Increase cost of water in coastal area Linked to sustainability. If mining slump – who pays the extra cost Residents and businesses Uncontrolled Development driven by water availability Business may see increased water based opportunities – golf estates, bottling plants, manufacturing, etc Population Influx Increased pressure on resources, services, informal settlement, communicable diseases. Unemployment Changes in Land Use Patterns Potential conflict with other development plans Impact on tourism and recreational fishing Control Noise and Visual Impact Close to residential neighborhoods Conflict with long term plans Visual impact close to main road.
Preliminary Benefits from the NamWater Desalination Plant IssuesDescription Employment CreationTemporary and permanent employment created Possible new industrial and other development Improved Infrastructure of coastal towns to facilitate development Good infrastructure drives development – water has been a limiting factor Regional and National Economic Development Contribute to economic diversification in Erongo Region – may expand into secondary and tertiary sectors Improved water availability Industrial development stand to benefit Small industry Aquifer ProtectionIncreased water sustainability Mining Sector GrowthIncreased national and regional income from the mining sector.
Methodology Socio – Economic profile compilation through secondary data sources. Population and Housing census data (Disaggregated to EA’s), Namibia Household Income and Expenditure surveys, Health information reports, Regional poverty profiles and other specialist studies such as the EIA of Uranium mines and NACOMA draft document for 2005, etc National and Regional Development Plans and Physical guidance plans – NDPIII and Structure/Development plans of local authorities and regional council. Discussions with authorities and other I&AP as well as results from stakeholder meetings to complete the picture. Impact and Mitigation Assessments as per IFC guidelines.
Information Required Solid Waste Specs ( quality and quantity) Sewage disposal? Scope for location options?