+ Procurement and Finance Guidelines to ease our work
+ Agenda Document delivery: vouchers, invoices and expense claims Special case: advances and clear up Procurement specifics
+ Document delivery: vouchers, invoices and expense claims Payment vouchers Delivery at least 2 days before a payment date Invoices for consultancy fees should be delivered per month or in accordance to the consultancy contract, with complete data from the supplier. Supporting documents (invoices and receipts) should always accompany the payment voucher. Pro-forma Invoices are not Invoices Travel claims should be delivered within one month of the travel date, else they will not be reimbursed (reference document: IUCN travel guidelines and regional variances).
+ Special case: advances and clear up Advances Applicable ONLY in special extreme cases. Require written approval from the Project manager (RWA). Advance letter. Clear up of Advances Submission of receipts/invoices. Excel file listing with numbered supporting documents. Clear indication the documents submitted are to clear up advances.
+ Procurement specifics Purchase Orders Justification Linked to procurement codes specific to the project Approval by project coordinator BEFORE actual purchase
+ Thank you