A Centre for Excellence in the University- wide Provision of Mathematics and Statistics Support a collaborative CETL with the Mathematics Support Centre at Coventry University. Tony Croft Director Mathematics Education Centre Loughborough University
Loughborough University has been developing mathematics support since 1996 Coventry’s Centre began as the BP Centre in 1991 Background
In 2002 LU established the Mathematics Education Centre –teaches mathematics to most engineers –offers university-wide maths support –has significant income from externally-funded teaching and learning projects –is developing a programme of pedagogic research Background
In association with the former LTSN’s CU and LU have collaborated extensively: –mathcentre –mathtutor –Good Practice in the Provision of Mathematics Support Centres –LTSN MathsTEAM –DDIG Background
The Centre at Loughborough
The CETL will build upon this excellence to establish first rate mathematics support facilities for students at LU, CU and beyond. The CETL will make a substantial contribution to the well-documented problems associated with mathematics at the transition to University. The CETL
It is worth £4.5m. –£2m capital –£2.5m recurrent (over 5 years) The CETL
open a second drop-in centre open two interactive classrooms teach vulnerable groups in small classes making good use of learning technologies develop statistical consultancy develop support for students with special needs develop pedagogical research Developments within Loughborough
relocate and enhance the drop-in centre open an interactive classroom teach vulnerable groups in small classes making good use of learning technologies develop statistics support develop support for students with special needs develop pedagogical research Developments within Coventry
Support the development of a Centre at the University of Leeds and two other HEI’s. Secondments in and out of the CETL. Extensive programme of dissemination and active engagement with the Higher Education Academy (incl. annual conference and network publications, website, enhancement to mathcentre site) Developments beyond …..
We intend: that the CETL will raise the status of teaching and learning mathematics & statistics to produce a thriving, world-class venture that is a model for the sector to invigorate the learning of mathematics for many disaffected students. The Outcomes….
Tony Croft Duncan Lawson Contact….