Inspire in the East Midlands Inspiring learners through libraries Name of Your Library
What is Inspire? Inspire is a national programme to open up access for learners and potential learners to the wealth of resources held in libraries Inspire is building on the many successful local partnerships to create a single national pathway to learning resources
Why Inspire? - Empowering the Learning Community LIC 2000 Public and educational libraries in any community or region should draw up “access maps” to enable users and learners to reach resources or assistance in other libraries on a managed basis Public and educational libraries in communities or defined geographic areas should establish co-operative arrangements to improve services to their users
Why Inspire? – Aimhigher Partnerships for Progression Joint initiative of HEFCE and LSC Direct link to government’s target of 50% widening HE participation by 2010 Encourage more and better-prepared students to stay in education post 16 Raise attainment and participation among young people under-represented in HE Build on and encompass regional partnerships
Why Inspire? Department for Culture Media and Sport Framework for the Future: Strategic vision for 2013 Any member of a public library can also access materials held in HE and FE libraries Anyone seeking opportunities for learning and training can be guided to a course through a public library
Why join Inspire? Participating in Inspire will enable libraries to: Refer library users to other libraries locally, regionally and nationally to access the resources they need Support Lifelong Learning Support social inclusion and widening participation in learning at all levels Benefit from co-operation between sectors Benefit from enhanced staff development
Inspire in the East Midlands So far: 9 Public Library Authorities 7 University Libraries 9 College Libraries 2 Special Libraries 1 Health Library Total of 4,000 plus libraries in England for details see
Support available Information about resources in other libraries and how users can access this information through Procedures manual with standard forms that can be used or adapted to suit local needs Publicity materials
Information Pack Background to Inspire How to make and receive a referral Potential staff development opportunities Inspire briefing/training record Evaluating the impact of Inspire
Inspire: referral procedure Determine if enquiry suitable for Inspire referral and identify where the information is available what the access conditions are Provide the user with the appropriate introduction and directions Record referral
Where to look for information about collections and libraries:
Inspire: reception procedure The library receiving the user will: Determine the nature of the enquiry Where necessary, offer information on library use guidance on how to find the required information including assisting use of If local systems permit, record the visit so that statistics can be gathered. Where this is difficult, try to gather and record direct verbal feedback on the experience from users
Inspire: some questions & answers Will we be overwhelmed with new users? Experience so far has shown that increase in numbers is usually modest Will users be very demanding? They may need no more help than other new users but staff should be conscious of social inclusion issues and use normal customer care skills What if they arrive when we are very busy? The Library can state preferred times for visitors
Benefits - for core users as well as for visiting users Participation opens up access to libraries previously unavailable to them Inspire is creating of a nationally recognised standard of access but delivered locally where it is needed Knowledge and skills of library staff will be enhanced to Direct people to the resources they need Provide whatever form of referral is needed
Inspire contacts Local Inspire Activist – per library or authority Regional contacts : Lynn Hodgkins, Regional Librarian, Libraries and Information East Midlands. Tel: Carol Campbell-Hayes, Derbyshire County Council. Tel:
East Midlands Steering Group A regional steering group is chaired by David Lathrope of Nottinghamshire County Council. Steering Group members include : Kathryn Arnold, Carol Campbell-Hayes, Paul Chapman, Lynn Hodgkins, Nicky Morgan and Graham Walton