Yalutorovsk is a town of new perspectives! The area of the territory is ha. Supply of labor resources High level of income of the population. Wide tourism potential Diversified economy A lot of perspective business projects.
The house of merchant's wife E.D.Guseva In Yalutorovsk every building is the history. The Uspensko-Nikolskay church The Yalutorovsk fort The Sretensky Cathedral The district school, the end of the XIX century The house of V.I.Nikolaevsky The house of the Decembrist M.I. Muraviev-Apostal The building of the police department and the Treasury The house of I.V.Myasnikova The house of the Decembrist I.D.Yakushkin The memorial of the Decembrists The house of A.K.Seryh The house of S.I.Mamontov The main building of railway station,
Why is Yalutorovsk is a good place for business? 1. It has the developed transport infrastructure. There is the federal highway (Tyumen -Ishim-Omsk), the highway of regional significance (Shadrinsk-Yalutorovsk-Yarkovo). They connect 3 federal highways (Tyumen-Кurgan, Tyumen- Оmsk and Tyumen-Khanty-Mansiysk). 2. Yalutorovsk City Administration supports to develop business. 3. There are some plot of lands with the infrastructure to realize projects. 4. Labor resources ( people are employable).
Total : 30 projects Total volume of investments: mln. rubles A number of jobs: 963
11 main projects to invest in Yalutorovsk
The 1st investment project - Production of OSB, ДСП, MDF slab Volume of investments : 4 billon rubles The volume of production: OSB thousand cubic meter a year MDF – 200 thousand cubic meter a year Supply some plots of land with the infrastructure Supply of wood
ИНВЕСТПРОЕКТ №8 ПЕРЕРАБОТКА КАРТОФЕЛЯ 8 Volume of investments : to 1 billion rubles State support of agricultural industry Supply some plots of land with the infrastructure The high level of harvest in Tyumen region The 2nd investment project - Recycling of potatoes
The 3rd investment project - Production of feed additives 9 Volume of investments : from 1 billion rubles Stable demand Supply the prepared plot of land
The 4th investment project – CONSTRUCTION OF WAREHOUSE AND LOGISTICS CENTRE Volume of investments: from 1 billion rubles Supply the prepared plot of land Lack of competitors The high level of demand
The 5th investment project – Construction of large recreational complexes Volume of investments : to 1 billion rubles Supply the prepared plot of land Increase a number of tourists (+32,5% for the last 3 years)
The 6th investment project – Recycling of polypropylene Volume of investments : From 300 million rubles Production of polypropylene in Tobolsk city (The factory « Tobolsk- polymer ». It produces tons of polypropylene a year) Supply of free plot of land Stable demand
The 7th investment project – Construction of multipurpose roadside service Volume of investments: To 300 million rubles Supply some plot of lands along the federal highway with high capacity The high level of requirement of multipurpose roadside service
The 8th investment project – PRODUCTION OF CASNDY PRODUCTS Volume of investments: from 200 million rubles The high level of demand Supply of markets Supply lands of plots
The 9th investment project - Production of vegetable mixes and frozen wild plants Volume of investments : from 50 million rubles Stable demand Access to markets in neighboring regions State support of agricultural industry
The 10th investment project – Construction of a hotel in Yalutorovsk city Volume of investments : From 50 million rubles Lack of competitors Supply of plots of land
The 11th investment project – Production of metal products Stable demand Access to markets in neighboring regions Supply of plots of land
18 Contact details: The Government of Tyumen region Department of investment policy and State support of entrepreneurship 24, Republic st., Tyumen city Telephone number: (3452) , Guarantee your future! INVEST IN YALUTOROVSK!